little sparkles profile picture

little sparkles

Somebody loves u all the time!img src= le/Im

About Me

*.. *my story: born a helpless baby, she softly cries upward, from her heart. "DADDY!" flowing down, HE has already heard, gifts & calls her. sealed in HIS love. He gently craddles a dying young heart. tiny breath of life. "DADDY...". visciously slammed & suddenly thrown against the sky into the cold winter air. her broken body quickly spirals downward. thumps heavily onto the busy snow-covered unyielding concrete road, becoming drenched in the profusion of blood.
*the air crisp as a weathered autumn leaf, browned by the erosion of spring. soft dirt embrace her reddening baby cheeks as yellow, orange, green, red, brown autumn leaves slowly swirl around, blanketing her curled body. (DADDY!). swiftly & suddenly abandoned among evil, a little one is lost in the darkness of life's blur. trapped. her chattering teeth shakes her young skinny body. she nestles in a craven snow bank against ice-covered wood. snowflakes lightly drift down from heaven, DADDY's kisses, lovingly embracing her. covered. exhausted, a shivering child melts into the cold cement stairway in a dark alley. (DADDY!). beer bottles, threats of drunken souls lash out their profanities & indifference. assaulting laughter thunders out the echoing disrespect, cold disregard of another soul.*

*(trust DADDY). her voice, strangled into the icy seaweeds of the oceans' depth. deep sorrow floods within.

* breathe of GOD. soft flowing tears caress her voiceless whittening face. (JESUS CHRIST gently wraps HIS comforting arms around her, snuggling her close to HIS heart; HE has promised to never leave nor forsake her.)**(DADDY!) instantaneously, HIS SOVEIGN HOLY PRESENCE, consuming fire, igniting in driving hunger. thirsty soul. feeding a covetous desire to stay in the scorching burning furnace of lessons that cannot be learned, profiting; purification process of faith in YOU, alone.**HE is strengthened; kingdom of GOD, HE rules in revealing light of HIS HOLY SPIRIT. trials, tribulations defuse temptations of haunty demonic influences to deceptive possessive control in lies. shunning idolatry to eternal damnation in the burning lake of fire. growth given in defenseless suffering of truth. (trust DADDY). dies. grieving sorrow. bleeding open streaming rivers of excruiating painful longing affection in hopeful reconciliation in the will of our ABBA FATHER.**HE lives, protecting in heart's embrace, her tears. battling in unseen forces. embracing the crucifixion of continuing. released from living. corpse in a deadly battle for lost souls, fading souls. deepening sorrow, interwoven increasing inexpressible joy.*"
* *my Testimony: When JESUS saved me as a little child, SOVEREIGN GOD let me see HIM as holy, & precious JESUS so pure in HIS passion for me. then, GOD allowed violence done to me. HE opened my eyes. JESUS gathered me tightly in HIS arms & pressed me close to HIS heart, thru the presence of HIS HOLY SPIRIT flowing down like a dove.*
*JESUS lived the example of trusting our ABBA FATHER in complete surrender to obey in the purpose HE has predetermined for me to walk in. JESUS, my LORD & SAVIOR, had already "gone there" before me, preparing the way for me to follow HIM in faith.**GOD would never leave nor forsake me. JESUS began to carry me, at this point.*

*my faith was mocked.*i became afraid & stopped talking. the LORD kept me. GOD's purpose for my life shall prevail.*there was no other way. JESUS was my only existence. this solidary path was full of jeers, violence, slander, defamation of my character, criticism, mockery, & accusations of rebellion towards authority. JESUS understood & knew everything.**my LORD GOD kept my heart & mind in HIM. HE became my means of escape. LORD JESUS was craddling my soul in the blood of HIS heart. HIS massive all-powerful blood jealously protecting & later, avenging my soul. GOD allowed my body to experience suffering.**i couldn't understand suffering. my LORD JESUS CHRIST softly spoke to me the reason for my suffering.**HIS HOLY SPIRIT comforted, strengthened, & enabled me. "HIS compassions faileth not." JESUS understood the limitations of the human flesh & the reprobation of feeding the sin nature. JESUS loves me.**my heart, mind, & soul "escaped" into a place where i could just sleep in peace, while the SPIRIT of GOD kept me through whatever GOD allowed in the body i lived in. then, exactly one year later, my PRINCE of PEACE rescued me & delivered me into HIS healing heart for a long time.**HE kept me for HIMSELF as HE has promised; HE fought my battles & strengthened me in my weakness thru the power of HIS HOLY SPIRIT's filling & gushing out in my soul's hunger & thirst for HIS righteousness & justice in this world full of sin & sorrow.**i cried silently in my heart to my DADDY. with all SOVEIGN foreknowledge, HE already knew. with HIS most majestic power in presence, HE was running to endure through this for me.*
*GOD in HIS perfect SOVEREIGNTY kept me dependent on HIM. as i grew increasingly more sorrowful, GOD's grace calmed my fears thru HIS comforting HOLY SPIRIT in the most powerful name of JESUS CHRIST.**JESUS faithfully watched over me like HE promised. i just prayed... faith being tested through the fire of trials.*

*my LORD GOD's faithful unfailing love always brought me through. i did not have peace about certain things & prayed.**now, i have peace. but the situation & circumstances keep changing. HE enables me thru the peace of HIS HOLY SPIRIT. i believe my LORD "fixes" all my problems, in HIS perfect timing, cuz HE loves me! phew! sure will be glad when this time is over on earth. waiting for that moment, when...*

*JESUS would you please come & rescue me?*

*thru the presence of HIS HOLY SPIRIT, JESUS kisses me & embraces me in HIS heart, strengthening me in HIS blood. HE enables to continue in HIS grace, thru it. HE reminds me of HIS faithfulness in HIS promises. HE shall fulfill HIS WORD.**HE causes many, many ppl to love me, because HE loved me first! my LORD GOD specifically chooses a guardian angel over me. HE commands this angel to minister to me in my life here on earth against evil.*
*THY kingdom is here & advancing, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Please come quickly, my LORD JESUS! YOU have risen from the dead & conquered death!*

* ************************************************************ would you like to be forgiven & saved, & meet your Creator? salvation is a free gift from someone who will always love you very much! simply believe in JESUS & ask HIM into ur heart, & receive forgivenesss for your sins. believe these scriptures & do number 4: ************************************************************ (1)God, alone is good. (2) None is good & all have sinned. The penalty for sin is death. (3) For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in HIM shall not perish, but have everlasting life. (4) if you confess Jesus as Lord, & believe in your heart God has raised Him from the dead, you shall be saved. ************************************************************ after you have received Jesus as Lord, please get connected to a church that teaches the Word of God & very important, to fit in with ppl who u feel accepted as u are. keep seeking where u fit. would you please take a minute & write a comment or send a msg to let me pray for you, okay? :) ************************************************************

** *♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

My Interests

*the no.1 romantic LOVE interested in me!
*JESUS has made HIMSELF the absolute LOVE of my life; my SAVIOR, my LORD, my KING, my DELIVERER, my LIFE, my BREATH, & my SOVEREIGN EVERYTHING!HE has infused my very BEING in HIM! HE completely saturates me in HIS rushing currents of love!most passion after JESUS? whatever HE wants, whenever, however, wherever, with whomever! hehe... HE loves you & HE thinks you are the most gorgeous thing to HIM; that's why HE died & rose again for you, to reconcile you to HIMSELF!

too many lesser interests to list. let's just say, it depends upon my mood! right now, i feel like...guess what else i like? :)**learning to be me!* my precious little dwarf bunny, Charles, in bunny heaven, i miss him soooo much! thank You, LORD, for giving me 9 yrs. of love with him.
*my sweet little dwarf bunny, Princeton, in bunny heaven 3 yrs after Charles; i miss him terribly! thank you LORD for 9 yrs of love with him, too.
*Alpha, my tiny purple beta fish only lived 1 month after Princeton. i miss him coming up to the water to receive the kisses i blew on him. it was so cute how he ate from my finger, then let me stroke his fins! miss him very much. JESUS buried him with princeton's body.**"invisible" children who disappear (in all crimes against children, including pornography) for the possessions, power & pleasure of those who do not know love &/or are in bondage.*my guardian angel!peace & truth with love...*laughing!!!! hehe....**

i found this saying & laughed! then got convicted, cuz it's mean! even though i didn't say it, i do get tempted to think it!"

I'd like to meet:

JESUS CHRIST, face to face!!!

*Charleston Heston (Let my ppl go! from the Ten Commandments, he played Moses)... is he still alive? i just really liked that movie! Garth Brooks, cuz i liked his cowboy hat. jews, over-the-road truck drivers, cowboys, police officers, military ppl, musicians, doctors & paramedics, firefighters, chefs, construction workers, electricians, engineers, computer technicians, auto machanics, senators, congressmen & women, the president, missionaries, airline pilots, poor, wretched, blind, mute, sick ppl who love JESUS!! repented sinners, all the folks here who are my friends. anyone who's seeking the WAY, the TRUTH, & the LIFE. anyone who's funny. anyone who keeps continuing thru their failures.*

* anyone who can't continue thru their failures. anyone who truly, really loves JESUS by trusting HIM of HIS enabling power to continue seeking the kingdom of GOD on the difficult path of truth & Spirit. anyone who misses me. anyone who is willing to practice patiently enduring the fiery testing of our faith! anyone who can forgive me. anyone who neds forgiveness. *other children of God!! *the man whom my LORD GOD has chosen, to find me.
until God brings me to you... i can't wait for the day of our wedding! when we say "i do", we'll kiss for the first time..."
*and i'll be waiting for you when you come home so... "
*and GOD-willing, this will lead to my...and... **anyone who loves to laugh!*


**these sayings are mean & under normal circumstances i wouldn't say them, but i do get tempted to think them!"





One Night with the King, Passion of the Christ, Ten Commandments, Left Behind series, Matrix, Lord of the Rings, the Lion King, The Chronicles of Narnia: the Lion, the Witch, & the Wardrobe *old Twilight Zone movies, The Last Samuri, Mad Max, Planet of the Apes, Braveheart, Gladiator, Lethal Weapon, Star Wars, Somewhere in Time, Sleepless in Seattle, Terminator, The Bourne Identity/Supremacy, Forrest Gump, Saving Private Ryan, Band of Brothers, GodFather, Rocky, Westside Story, RoboCop, Predator, Rainman, Clint Eastwood movies.*Wizard of Oz, Back to the Future, My Girl, Jurassic Park, Spiderman, Wizard of Oz, Captain Nemo, Beauty & the Beast, Edward Scissorhands, Toy Story, The Incredibles, Ice Age, E.T., Veggie Tales


i don't watch TV. visiting others, sometimes i'll watch w/them: Forensic Files, CNN, discovery channel, animal channel, history channel, police wildest car chases, AFV, court cases.


i don't read, i just look at the letters & God tells me what it says. :) Bible. "How Grace Changes Everything" by Chuck Smith. George Muller: guardian of bristol orphanage (if God is this, He will supply!).


my MASTER & DADDY sacrificed HIS only begotton Son for me, in the most horrific murder in history. HE did this in order to provide the way back to a personal relationship with HIM. this is the reason HE created me. HE protects me, watches over me by HIS angels.*thank you, LORD, for giving me angels to watch over me!

HE is extremely & passionately jealous over me. Throughout all trials, afflictions, tests, & infirmities the LORD GOD allows in my life, HIS love is the bottomline; it never fails.
HIS grace is abundant; HE overwhelmingly infuses & rushes it out through the pores of my soul! my ABBA FATHER is all-powerful, all-present, & all-knowing! None can compare to HIS great majestic Soveignty! the great "I AM"! HE will become anything that i need & i need HIM to be everything! my little love is inadequate... the bigger GOD gets, the littler i become. DADDY...

* *JESUS purpose for being born,*was to be sacrificed. HE died & rose again. **HE saved me from eternal damnation for my sins by rising from the dead; conquering death. HE's no longer on the tree.

JESUS forever cuddles me in the shelter of HIS love.
* my LORD JESUS CHRIST, YOU are the LION of JUDAH; my strength, my rock, my fortress in times of fear & trouble. thank YOU!* *JESUS, YOU are always available for me; to hear my prayer & cry of the new heart YOU've given to me! YOU always know before i ask & part waves of opposition to YOUR purpose for my life. YOU are my awesome PRINCE of PEACE!! only YOU are fully deserving of all honor, glory, & praise! thank YOU! YOUR HOLY SPIRIT enables & empowers

* for YOUR kingdom, according to YOUR SOVERIGN purpose. thank YOU!
* JESUS CHRIST, YOU have made me YOUR no.1 passion & apple of YOUR eye! There is none who can compare to YOUR glory, majesty, & splendor! thank YOU!** thanks to my dad & no.1 big bro for sheltering me under their "umbrella"... thank you to my pastor who continues to place me under his wing to watch over my soul, brotha's & sista's who continue thru the fire with me, & for a few close friends who make themselves available as living examples of abiding in JESUS' love.*(11/20/06) JESUS helped me realize, "as i am willing to trust the LORD in you, you'll need to trust me in this one, too" (re: following JESUS to share w/ppl, as HE leads me, in or away from your company).
testing of our faith in JESUS as LORD in our friendshp will be...*
but GOD will use the distance apart to lead us to HIS purpose,leading to the truth (in a surrendered heart),the way (to complete our joy),**& the life (in the hope of HIS glory in us).
**the men & women who have fought & are fighting in our warsJESUS is the LIGHT of the world. YOU are coming soon to judge the world of unbelief. please forgive those who seek YOUR kingdom & have mercy on us all! Amen.* ** the CREATOR of the heavens & earth, the universe, loves you, but your sins separate you from HIS love. GOD loved you so much, HE sent HIS SON to die for all your sins. JESUS CHRIST rose again the 3rd day to show that HE has power over death. HE will give you newness of life now, if you confess HIM as LORD, turn from your sins to HIM, & believe in your heart that GOD has raised HIM from the dead. you shall be saved from the wrath of GOD on unbelief. you will not perish in eternal damnation in the burning lake of fire. ask HIM to save you now, before it's too late.**you may die in the next moment, after you read this, the 1st death. then you will stand in judgement before GOD, for your sin of unbelief. the penalty for sin is the 2nd death, eternal damnation in the utter darkness of the burning lake of fire with satan & all his demons to torture you for all eternity. JESUS CHRIST is coming again, any second now, to take up HIS church, the true believers, up to the 3rd heaven to escape the wrath of GOD. then this wrath will be poured out upon this earth, because of unbelief in JESUS as LORD. the antichrist will rule in peace 3 1/2 yrs. then begin to behead ppl the last 3 1/2 yrs cuz they refuse to take his mark, a computer chip (number 666) on the forehead or hand to buy or sell.*but right now, JESUS will help you thru HIS HOLY SPIRIT, to grow in HIM, until HE comes again. just ask. please. if you continue to reject JESUS as LORD, in order to be saved, you'll have to be beheaded for not submitting yourself to the antichrist' rule, but to JESUS. the LORD loves you that much, but it's your free will to receive HIM by faith.**

My Blog

arrived in CA!

"i told you it would snow when i left!" leaving the snow covered streets of KS, we drove past the blizzard of snow flakes pressing against the windshield of the car. red dirt. there were mounds of red...
Posted by little sparkles on Mon, 01 Jan 2007 02:19:00 PST

Check out this video: 9-11 little girl

Posted By:GWGet this video and more at
Posted by little sparkles on Sun, 22 Oct 2006 08:37:00 PST

Check out this video: Dear Mr Jesus

Posted By:AMateToTalkTo..Get this video and more at
Posted by little sparkles on Wed, 18 Oct 2006 07:33:00 PST