www.au.org, www.virclub.com, www.ninjai.com, www.yesasia.com, www.jlist.com, www.evilmonito.com, www.crusadenyc.com, www.tokidoki.it, www.GRIDnc.com, http://thesaurus.reference.com, http://encarta.msn.com/encnet/features/dictionary/dictionary home.aspx
someone who can actually make me laugh.
mp3 mix = m-flo, v.o.d., madball, tribe called quest, hatebreed, china dolls, freya, suite chic, lmf, drunken tiger, snapcase, ugly duckling, ayumi hamasaki, slayer, utada hikaru, jungle brothers, dj doc, into another, eason chan, s.o.i.a., de la soul, olive, the goats, (old) anthrax, (old) sepultura etc....and don't forget to BUY DJ MOE CHOI CD's!m-flo - get on (ugly duckling remix)
anything kung fu... well any type of martial arts movie and comedies - yes even the stupid comedies. i watch a lot of asian vcd/dvd's.
zatoichi (samurai saturdays on spike tv - yuh!), mxc (it never gets old - does it), arrested development, scrubs, kung faux, dog whisperer, sunrise earth, wanda at large, mythbusters, jeff corwin experience, world rally racing, and other random shows that record on the dvr box. i love old samurai movies.
i love dictionaries and thesauruses.
i do not believe in heroes. never have.