I didn't know you had to be a banker to join this site.
An honest lawyer
A smart blonde
A rabi who likes pork
A series of sounds that may vary in pitch duration and timbre sometimes carefully orchestrated to influence ones mood
A series of still photographs shown one after another in quick succession to simulate movement and suggest real life although frequently scripted
An electric box that sits in your living room and plays snow if you haven't paid your cable bill.
An archaic device once used to store and transfer knowledge from one person to another as well as stimulating brain activity. Popularized in the 1300's by gutenberg. Use declined in the late 20th and early 21st centuries as radical ecological as well as many other forms of free thought terrorists surfaced and made the cutting down of trees for use as paper illegal although it remained legal to cut down trees to make into couches for people to sit on their ass and get lazy, stupid and bloated.
The ones with medals hanging around their necks. Not to be confused with rappers or people who buy their medals on ebay.