Unfortunately myspace has flagged us without knowing the reason why. We no longer can add new friends, and our current friends are being deleted each day automatically. Now we can’t even send messages or comments, and to top it off you now tell us that our profile says that it has being deleted. We know that you are the most important part of our career. After all you are the reason why we make music. This is why we need your help. Please click on the link and add our new page Latin Buya Online. We haven’t made the full transition to the other page because you only visit this page. When we say that you hold the key to our success is not a joke at all. Our mission is to give you thoughtful lyrics with good music that you can dance to. We want to be different, but we can only do so much. At the end, if you don’t support us everything we are doing will be in vane. If you read all of this and didn’t get bored =) thank you for listening. We will always be here for you and we won’t change our ways of prioritizing your friendship for as long as you allow us. Much love & respect 4 u,
Latin Buya
Myspace nos a bloqueado muchas de nuestras opciones y aun no sabemos por que =/ nuestras amistades se borran diariamente automaticamente por una cantidad enorme. Nosotros sabemos que ustedes son muy importante en nuestra carrera. Despues de todo ustedes son la razon porque hacemos musica. Por eso necesitamos tu ayuda. Por favor has click donde dice y a..ade nuestra nueva pagina Latin Buya Online. No hemos hecho la transicion completa a la nueva pagina porque segues visitando esta pagina. Cuando te decimos que tienes la llave de nuestra futuro no es broma. Nuestra mision es ofrecerles musica de calidad con letras profundas. Queremos ser diferentes pero solo no podemos. Al fin del dia si tu no nos apoyas todo lo que hacemos sera en vano. Si has leido todo esto y no te has aburrido todavia =) entonces gracias por escucharnos. Siempre estaremos aqui y no cambiaremos nuestras formas de como darle prioridad a tu amistad mientras nos des la oportunidad. Mucho amor y respeto te mandamos,
Latin Buya
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