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This Profile No Longer Exists!

lets get blasted!!!

About Me

digital.fragrance at .Name: Hector
Age: 22
Sex: Yes!...
Status: *Taken*
Likes: Movies, Dancing, Romance, Beach, and Vacations
Dislikes: Liars
Quote:"Party like a Rock Star, Live like a Movie Star, and FUCK like a Porn Star."
Hmmmmm im still thinking on what to write here....not enough on my mind to actually sit down and write something interesting enough that people will spend their time and read it, but now i am realizing that i am actually getting some done by just typing all this bullshit. But thats not the funny thing, the funny part is that ur actually still reading this and it has no point.
It's unbeleivable how much time people have on their hands but apparently you have way too much, no stop reading this and go look at my pictures or something, i dunno do something, leave me a comment or something i dont know something productive. Wow i just noticed i said something like 4 times in that last sentence, talk about bad grammar.
Anywho im done typing and i hope by now no one is reading anymore and if you are, you obviously are interested in me enough that u want to know everything ;).
Just tap it!.
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