The Shend profile picture

The Shend

Art isn't a mirror, it's a dressing table

About Me

Left to my own devices, I like to take them apart and clean the pieces, but only if it doesn't take too long. Splendid. My carpet knows the ground. WWW.THECRAVATS.COM and when the car is too small? WWW.KROONKAT.COM so go on and throw. I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4
Made with the MyTheme myspace editor

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My Interests

Doing exactly what I want for as many of the hours that I'm alive as possible.


The Very Things, The Mourning Dobermans, Orange Crypt, Thistle Blizzard, Demo N, Maintain That Hinge, The Cravats, The Babymen, Nidge Weasel, DCL Locomotive, Dinge Biscuit, Craftwok, Jed Hammond's Awesome Sound, Quaff!


Those Magnificent Men In Their Flying Machines, The History Of Pencils and that one with the Italian bloke in it who collects scarves.


All of it. Every single screen-flickering second I can cram into my brain and anybody who thinks TV rots the mind should . . . er . . . nah, it's gone..


That one over there with the others.