HauntMom profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

I love my family and friends and especially "Rewbee Girl" - my five yr. old Australian Cattle Dog. She is my bestest friend, well, besides my son. I love to bake ( and am very good at it ), craft, sew, and play the piano. Age is "just a number" to me. I get along with just about everyone I know and/or meet. I have fun wherever or whatever I'm doing and if "fun" isn't there, I make my own!

My Interests

This profile was edited with Thomas' myspace editor V2.5

I'd like to meet:

A "real" astronaut (because I always wanted to be one). James Gandolfini, Carman (Christian Entertainer), Ellen Degeneres, The Phantom; Christine; and Raul (from Phantom of the Opera) -- Oh yeah, I've done that!


Cinderella, Gone With the Wind, The Rock, First Knight, The Last Samurai, Phantom of the Opera, Pretty Woman.


The BIBLE, almost any Craft Book; like to read magazines more than books


My Daddy, my Uncle Sonny, Mel Gibson - for making "Passion of the Christ", Josh Adam, the Haunt Crew @ Knott's Halloween Haunt, and whoever invented my Singer Sewing Machine!