Well I like Poker, except when it pisses me off. I like to drink. My biggest interest is traveling the world, mostly Europe. Ive been to 12 countries in Europe, but I wana see them all. Germany is the best country in the world beacuse hey...Who doesnt like Sausage & Beer? Soccer is the best sport in the World...just ask the rest of the world you sheltered dumb fuck Here are my Favorite teams: 1) FC Bayern 2) Liverpool FC 3) Club Brugge KV 4) AFC AJAX 5) Los Angeles Galaxy The German, French, & English leauges are the best. I like Roma, but fuck Itaian soccer...those cheating assholes can go to hell.
God, a shit load of soccer players, & a ton of dead people like the Lizard King.
Van Stone is my new favorite band...those guys kick ass. The Doors are the greatest band of all time...if you don't think so then you suck. Also KISS because they are JP's favorite. Other then that I like lots of music that doesn't suck...you know, songs where people actually SING and not just talk like they just fucking woke up. Thats right I just said Hip Hop sucks.
yes, I like movies
TV fucking kicks ass!! I like to have the tv on all the time...sometimes you gota do that in the LBC, or people might break into your house. Mostly I just watch Soccer...but I like LOST, the travel chanel & lots of 80's shows like The A-Team
My mom, & anyone else who has to deal with cancer