Quinteto Tango Extremo
Performing an amazingly rich beautiful musical duel, Quinteto Tango Extremo
has touched the hearts of many around the world. The young violinist Tanya
Schaap has been performing with an unusual but captivating occupation,
regarding the accordion and soprano saxophone.
Passionate violin and soprano parties make you feel like you're the main
character in your own play. What makes it surprisingly fresh and even more
captivating, is the blending of the sensuous tango music with funky jazz,
touching classical music and energetic Brazilian elements. Quinteto Tango
Extremo shows that tango means living, means dancing, means shadow sides in the sun. Tango, the game of hide and seek. Of distrust and believing.
By expressing the changing emotions of every day life, the five enthousiastic
musicians guide you to your heart and prove that within human duality
harmony can be found. Five, the harmonious number in nature. Quinteto Tango Extremo has proved once more that the natural way is beautiful!
QTE has toured many countries in their -still short- existence: Spain, Italy, Belgium, France, UK, Turkey, and Kurdistan, upcoming: tour Italy, tour Argentina and tour Mexico.
Im impressed. A c.d. thats rock solid. Ill definitely be in line at the box office for their next concert
'Cor Glorie, La Cadena'
Even though QTE may sound atrocious in the ears of a tango-purist, it works well... extremely well..
'Richard Stekelenburg, Haarlems Dagblad'
A c.d. of Quinteto Tango Extremo would be a worthy addition to your contemporary Tangoband Collection.
'El Once Tango News'
El Silencio – Munich Records (2003)
Una Cosa Diferente – Munich Records (2004)
Erase una vez - Maxanter Records the world series (2007)
Carnaval de Buenos Aires – Maxanter Records the world series (2008)