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Pete at 8 weeks.
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Skilled Candyland Players, Lost Field Reconnaissance, Bookmark Makers, The Guy or Gal who ties the twistie-ties or attaches the plastic protector on Dell Computer monitors VGA or DVI cables, Inspirational Musicians, Inspirational People, My 18-year-old past me, and in general:

Anyone who's interesting enough to attract my attention for longer than 30 seconds in some way that doesn't involve me becoming agitated. Backrubs++;


Oh, I sing lead in a band called Flatline . Our final disc we produced together is entitled Farewell Dreams. It was a mark on where we stood in life with our music. I'll make the entire album available to download. Song lyrics can be found here .
If you've got any questions, comments, want to discuss anything about any of it, by all means, let me know. I get nostalgic easily and will talk for hours about this disc, and any neat stuff we did during live performances, road trips, and studio time. :D Enjoy.
Farewell Dreams
In Rewind
Can you compromise and play my ear? You know, the one that's pushed aside.

Final Hour
..and when you're brought down to your knees, there's but a big grin on my face.

A Prayer to Diana


Farewell Dreams
Beyond all, I extend my hands, reach for the life that you've shed to me.

One Weakened Sect
Peel back the lids, I dare you, stare inside.

Letting Me Down

The Line
When we leave you here tonight to follow paths tomorrow, this candle is your light. Short time brings such sweet sorrow.


Serenity, The Goonies, The Lost Boys, Underworld, Saving Private Ryan, Full Metal Jacket, Iron Eagle, Flight of the Navigator, Short Circuit, Memento, Field of Dreams, Lean on Me, Drumline, Coach Carter, Hardball, The Mighty Ducks, Baseketball, Team America: World Police, Police Academy (Citizens on Patrol), among others...


On the TVs...
Okay, I'm not much of a TV junkie, but there are quite a few things that catch my eye. I will usually watch any Family Guy episode from any point in the show until the completion of it.
I don't care much for MTV anymore and I'm unwilling to dish out the cash to get the MTV channels I would like to have. However, when at my buddy's houses... I frequent the Metal and Rock stations in the crazy 3-digit land.
I can watch VH1 for about 15 minutes, no matter what is on. It's usually entertaining enough to keep me that long... especially those "I love the 's".
I have some premium channels, and am a horrible sleeper at nights when I find that retarded movie that is on TBS or TNT at least 2 times a month and watch it the entire way through my sleeplessness. If it's not TBS or TNT, it's probably some movie I've seen a million times on HBO or Cinemax.
Thank you for providing a screen for me to play console games on during my upbringing, TV. You've been a great guide to my laziness.



My Blog

Happy Holidays

'tis the season, folks.  For me, it's been a strange one.  I officially started shopping ten minutes ago.  I don't have a ton of folk to buy for this season, as our posse collectiv...
Posted by John on Fri, 21 Dec 2007 11:59:00 PST

Back to the Mon’

So, we're bidding farewell to South Park and Lindenbrooke Apartments.  It's been a good 15 months, but we've overstayed.  We'll be moving into a place down'ere in West Brownsville, next to m...
Posted by John on Fri, 19 Oct 2007 02:05:00 PST

Good stuff all around.

First thing's first:  Dad went into surgery in the early part of the year after discovering he had cancer (squamous cell carcinoma).  After the surgery, he went through a massive amount of r...
Posted by John on Tue, 26 Jun 2007 01:02:00 PST

Honeymoon, pt 1

HoneymoonCaroline and I went on a 7-day cruise with Carnival Cruiselines in the South Carribean.  Ports of call included:  St. Thomas, Dominica, Barbados, St. Lucia, and Antigua.  We fl...
Posted by John on Tue, 29 May 2007 08:51:00 PST

Wedding, reception...

I chopped off the honeymoon stuff.  I'll add it separately.  Let me tell you in advance:  The photos aren't available for any of this stuff yet.  We have several rolls of film to g...
Posted by John on Tue, 29 May 2007 08:36:00 PST

Pens Playoffs.

So, my last season ticket was spent this past Sunday against Boston in a Pens victory over the Bruins, 5-0.  One interesting stat to consider, Pittsburgh Penguins... Marc-Andre had all 5 of his s...
Posted by John on Mon, 26 Mar 2007 08:45:00 PST

For the loved one...

Caroline, Don't ever say I don't love you. John. (I bought her Viva Piñata.) (...) (... she's playing under my profile.  Those are gamer points I'd never achieve.)...
Posted by John on Thu, 22 Feb 2007 08:16:00 PST

Shadowrun and whatnot.

Yeah, I'm a geek.  It's true. For the past few months, me and my geek posse decided to give up on D&D for a while and try out some Shadowrun (4th edition).  Since then, I've joined userg...
Posted by John on Fri, 16 Feb 2007 07:25:00 PST

ComCrap Haiku

H-D D-V-R!ComCast, bunch of rat-bastards!Hurry up, jerkbags. ... Damn it.
Posted by John on Tue, 23 Jan 2007 11:23:00 PST

TV and stuff.

Well, I bought the TV, finally... a Sharp Aquos 42" LCD TV with 1080p.  I ended up buying some installation deal Best Buy had going with Comcast that saved me a few bucks, and gets it all set up ...
Posted by John on Sun, 07 Jan 2007 03:32:00 PST