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...walk with me my one and only silence...

About Me

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Your Job Dissatisfaction Level is 82%
Your job is a disaster - it's surprising you've lasted this long.
You need to quit if you can, even if you don't have another job lined up.
As far as stressful work situations go, yours is off the scale brutal.
Almost any job would be better than what you've got! Should You Quit Your Job?What a TILF!!! yeesh....why are you scared? do my crazy eyes scare you?you know, to this day, i STILL don't know what i truely was for's the good.Since i always pick bands that get famous a few years after i like i'm picking these guys...

adopt your own virtual pet!....................................The CricketSoda Myspace Profile Editor

My Interests

Check out this cartoon i made! Thanks Der-Der!!

Click here to make yours!
Check these two pimps out....AFI owns you & your granny.Beast, beast, beast...apples & bananas......WHAT A FUCKING PIMP...06.06.06

I'd like to meet:

Abraham Lincoln, Angelina Jolie, Shane, Tim Burton, Stephen King, Johnny Depp, George A. Romero, Tom Savini, Rob Zombie, Fergie (Black Eyed Peas), Eva Longoria, Janis Joplin, Donald Trump &/or Martha Stewart, Steph from Survivor, Jon Stewart, Stan, Kyle, Kenny, Cartman, or Butters...Hines Ward, Bill Cowher, Robert Englund, Gunner Hansen, Ani DiFranco, your mom, Kurt Cobain, John McCain, Tim Curry, Ronald McDonald &/or Jared from Subway, Stephen Tyler, & Ron Jeremy....I would say Davey Havok, but I've already met that sexy bastard....TWICE!!......yeah, buddy. ;)


Avenged Sevenfold AFI Opiate for the Masses Shadows Fall Guns & Roses Metallica Marilyn Manson The Misfits Flatline (yeah, baby) Janis Joplin Billy Idol Jimi Hendrix Ani DiFranco 50 Cent....that's enough for now...


George A. Romero's Night of the Living Dead Dawn of the Dead Day of the Dead, & Land of the Dead, Tom Savini's 90's remake of Night of the Living Dead, & the remake of Dawn of the Dead. Ok, you get the picture now...Ready? The entire Texas Chainsaw Massacre saga, up to & including the '03 version of the original, House of 1,000 Corpses, The Devil's Rejects, Henry, any Nightmare on Elm Street film, & every damn Friday the 13th ever made, plus Freddy vs. Jason. Halloween, all of the Poltergiests, The Amityville horrors, Jaws, Jaws, Jaws...,Jeepers Creepers 1 & 2, Silence of the Lambs, Hannibal, Red Dragon, The Puppet Masters, Wrong Turn, Underworld, From Hell, The Ring 1 & 2, Donnie Darko, Sin City, & THE NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS....that's definitely enough for now...


Pretty much anything that's on tv....i watch. The L Word definitely...hello? Also, tons of reality tv & Food's actually getting rediculous...


I've read probably too many books...used to love 'em, but now there's not much time. I love anything from Stephen King...& basically all of the so-called 'classics'..i.e. The Illiad, The Oddssey, know, all that old shit. It's just written a lot better...& for some reason I understand the language, so i roll with it. Absolutely love Poe...& not just 'the raven'....amazing, isn't it?


My mother, my grandma, & my Dandy...

My Blog

DAMN...this mF'er is long as hell.....

Completely Random Questions:What's your favorite sports drink?Orange gatoradeDo you wear sunglasses while driving?Yeah, some lame NASCAR ones that Tracy stole from some fat girl who fell down at Warpe...
Posted by eg on Mon, 13 Nov 2006 03:36:00 PST

Oh SHIT! Sleeve: Part VI

Well folks, it sure has been awhile since the last one. So long, in fact, that i've been to two...count 'em...two appointments. The first appointment focused on finishing up the front & background...
Posted by eg on Wed, 08 Nov 2006 09:26:00 PST

Sleeve: Part V

yo...what's up? Yes, yet another sleeve update...i'm sure all of you are just drooling for another glimpse of my wonderous arm. yeah...right. Well, don't get too excited...this last appointment was a ...
Posted by eg on Sun, 24 Sep 2006 09:12:00 PST

sleeve - Part IV.

ok, Saturday Tra & i both had appointments...they beth went well. We're now branching out from the angel, and adding background & starting to cover up the inside of my arm.On the angel, you'll...
Posted by eg on Thu, 14 Sep 2006 07:12:00 PST

SUPER MAD!!!........and sleeve Part Trois...

Ok, i just did a big write up on here for this next post & then i lost it all, now i'm super fucking pissed off. I'm just going to post the picture & end it....i feel so defeated....
Posted by eg on Fri, 01 Sep 2006 08:28:00 PST

my sleeve.....Part Deux

What's's been awhile. Well, i went back to Honky Tonk and got some more work done. I've just been too lazy to sit down and put it on here. So, in this session, the back section of the sky was ...
Posted by eg on Sat, 05 Aug 2006 05:29:00 PST sleeve so far... Part1

Ok well, as you all know, i absolutely love tattoos & everything about them....most of you also know that i've wanted sleeves for forever. Well, the mess that i had started on my arm is now being ...
Posted by eg on Tue, 11 Jul 2006 02:37:00 PST

you're right...those .3's are everywhere....

Ok, here's the deal. You're a #3 if you have done any of the following:- Ever thought, or currently think, that AFI is a new band & Decemberunderground is their second (or even first)&nb...
Posted by eg on Fri, 30 Jun 2006 03:40:00 PST

...Now Weeping Destiny...

  eyes lost in thoughthands lost insidethe lines blur endlesslytotality undefinedthe road curves aheadmy eyes catch lighttoo late to turn back nowso can a blind man stopwhat he cannot s...
Posted by eg on Sun, 25 Jun 2006 03:54:00 PST

...PA vs. VA...

It's really crazy how life changes in the blink of an eye. People come & go, money situations change, everyone's happy & then just like that; everyone's sad. Pennsylvania's so far away now, ye...
Posted by eg on Wed, 03 May 2006 02:30:00 PST