Music (performing/writing/listening), playing guitar, motocross, golf, snow skiing, photography, the beach, the mountains, fishing, hunting... you get the hint - anything outdoors. Science and mathematics, computers, games, and sleeping.
Post-punk, Melodic Hardcore, Metal/Euro-metal. Fast, aggressive shit with great drum parts and aweesome guitar work. Right now I'm listening to a lot of In Flames, Trivium, A7X, Dragonforce, Bullet for my Valentine, etc.
Good action and suspense movies, comedy and stuff that makes you think. From the Lord of the Rings trilogy, to stuff like The Rock, to movies like Snatch.
Hrm, SCRUBS!@#$ Awww yea! Fuckin' hilarious shit! Heroes, Lost, House, and that new show The Black Donnelly's
I'm not a huge reader, but when I do it's normally something off the wall like shit about theoretical physics and black holes.