Tanya profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

Collector of anything shiny,silvery.Jewelry junky,in other words.Junk junky.Bigtime Lunatic.AKA "Momya".I like to be in,on,or around my home at all times(most times),which,as of now,is a lil' cabin in the middle of the neverending Evergreen Olde Growth Forest of the Key Peninsula in Wahington.No electricity,no running water.Just TRY and find me!!!That's the way it oughta be...Love learning about,collecting,using wild plants.And,if you're hungry,come to Momma.

My Interests

Making pies;)jewelry,collecting stray dogs,dispensing stray dogs,hunting for mushrooms...
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I'd like to meet:

Willie Nelson,Lalique,Townes Van Zandt,Baba Yaga,Alfonse Mucha,My Man in the middle of the forest...


Any music that makes me want to slay something




Bury me Standing,The Kin of Ata...,