You are The Sun
Happiness, Content, Joy.
The meanings for the Sun are fairly simple and consistent.
Young, healthy, new, fresh. The brain is working, things that were muddled come clear, everything falls into place, and everything seems to go your way.
The Sun is ruled by the Sun, of course. This is the light that comes after the long dark night, Apollo to the Moon's Diana. A positive card, it promises you your day in the sun. Glory, gain, triumph, pleasure, truth, success. As the moon symbolized inspiration from the unconscious, from dreams, this card symbolizes discoveries made fully consciousness and wide awake. You have an understanding and enjoyment of science and math, beautifully constructed music, carefully reasoned philosophy. It is a card of intellect, clarity of mind, and feelings of youthful energy.
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CLICK THIS LINK FIRST. It's much more important than me
DONT CLICK THIS LINK if you love the so-called "US government"
I always ask myself-In a world full of insane people, would a few "sane" people be crazy? Ever since I arrived on the planet so-called "Earth" I've always felt like an alien. If you know me, then you know what I do and what I've done, and what really does and doesn't matter. What matters is THE EFFECTS that our actions have on our environment and the life around us. I do my best to observe and analyze things closely, so that I can fully comprehend. I love to learn anything I can to elevate my consciousness. I always strive to be in tune with my real feelings and not let my thoughts be manipulated by the psychological influences of society. I always speak my mind, and I admit sometimes I don't know when to shut the fuck up and listen, but I'm growing...What I value most is loyalty. I would always do whatever I can to protect the people that I call my "friend" or "brother" or "sister" and to help them achieve their goals. Family is important. Not just the family that we're born into, but also the family that we CHOOSE.
the bomb
supreme wisdom
Although most of the two million claiming Native American ancestry in the United States are of racially mixed backgrounds, many are still amazed to find that many African Americans are of Indian heritage.Indian people mixed with European or Asian blood usually have very little problem being accepted by the Native community.African Americans, however, find it much more difficult to find that same acceptance, even though many of there descendants fought the white man alongside the Natives. History tells us that many of these African American ancestors walked the "Trail of Tears" alongside our own ancestors. Still they are often unaccepted.This is greatly due to the general American prejudice against dark skin people that even seeps down into the very people such racism historically oppressed and disenfranchised.It hasn't helped that the Buffalo Soldiers, black horse troopers, were used against Native people as a continuing divide and conquer device that began centuries before. Another thing to consider is that many people do not realize that for generations whites, blacks and native people not only lived together as slaves and slave owners, they had intermarried, especially in the mid 1800's.In the Southeast many of the run away slaves were taken in by the Seminoles. They were tribal people fighting oppression and they were treated as such.After being brought to America as slaves, thousands of Africans fled to the swamps and marshes of Florida. There they formed an alliance with another group of settlers, refugees from the Creek and other nations who called themselves Seminoles, meaning runaway, and a new race emerged: The Black Seminoles.As early as the 1700's, there were over 100,000 black Indians. The Black Seminole Indian Scouts proved to be some of the most skilled fighters and trackers of the post -- Civil War era.No amount of gallantry, however, won them the land promised under the treaties signed by both General Zachary Taylor and President James Polk. In addition, an ungrateful army later cut their rations. Bitterly disillusioned, many of the scouts left for Mexico, never to return. Today the remaining members of the Black Seminole nation live primarily along the Rio Grande.The history of the Southeast is where most inter-mixing of the blacks and natives took place, but it also took place in other places such as with the Wampoanog in the Northeast and the West. Here a Mountain Man named James Beckwourth, a mulatto who became know as "Bloody Arm", was a well respected warrior who, as legend has it, married into the Crow Nation.Slavery did not consist of only white people owning black people. Actually there were many blacks who were free and many natives that were slaves and many Indians who owned black slaves. During the Revolutionary War many native prisoners were taken for the use of being sold as slaves.There have been thousands and thousands of intermarriages between blacks and Indians -- with whole Indian tribes disappearing into the black community, often enslaved in the process. Blacks have similarly been absorbed by Indian tribes. This was largely do to the fact that until 1909 it was against the law to live in the Southeast and be Native American. It was better to be passed off as black and in slavery than to be removed to Indian Territory.As a result, there are many people of African descent, who, despite their outward appearances, identify as strongly with their Native heritage as any other.In 1879, black Cherokees petitioned for full citizenship in the Cherokee Nation, declaring, "It is our country. There we were born and reared. There are our homes. There are our wives and children, whom we love as dearly as though we were born with red, instead of black skins." Citizenship was granted.
Noble Drew Ali told the Moorish Americans, “To you, I am an Angel of Allah sent to bring you the everlasting Gospel of Allah.†Indeed, the Angel was born amongst the very nation He was sent to redeem. Noble Drew Ali was full ordained by The Great God to be their Prophet. Some may say, “He doesn’t look like any angel I have seen.†Most western psychics would not know an Angel if they were to kiss them in the mouth. However, if someone make this statement it is probably because they speak more from what they do not know then what they know e.g. all Biblical Angels were Messengers of God, Sun-kissed People in human forms and rich in melanin. They were not little pale skin European infants with wings from a bird on their backs. Truth is, Europe has never produced Prophets or Angels. Drew Ali is an Angel. The Illustrious Noble Drew Ali, Holding the Flags of Morocco and United States while Registering The Moorish Americans as a New Nation at the 1928 Pan American Conference For Indigenous Nations, Hosted by Havana, Cuba. Notice Drew Ali's upright posture. Being an Ancient Kemetian Adept Master, He has crossed his leg, left over right, noting both Governments being held in his hands are in adversity. Bro. Charles Kirkman-Bey, Master Polyglot (speaking 92 languages), was the Chief Interpreter for The Holy Prophet and His national cabinet. Also in attendance was several Tribal Chiefs of Continental Nations and the United States were represented by Secretary of State Hughes who was in awe of the well-established Constitution of the Moorish American Delegates. There were Free National Delegates from Central and South Americas and other Islands. During the Conference Noble Drew Ali was given The Mandate for the Land, which the United States had been occupying on an expired Mandate since 1871. After this Pan American Conference of Human Nations the United States refusal to yield hallowed soil would result in a severe warning by The Holy Prophet: "Until my Moors are free in their own home the worst is yet to come. The United States owe the Moors a great debt, they must pay in compound interest. The United States has one more war to win". The next year Drew Ali left the body saying, "I can better fight the rest of this battle on the soul plane". Within twelve years of this warning the Stock Market had Crashed, Illuminati's Federal Reserve Bank had taken over the sovereign powers of the now 'Corporate United States of America' and an economical drought called "The Great Depression" was felt by every Citizen except the elite few. As if it was not enough to soften her harden heart, the US Corporation would be functioning under perpetual Maritime Law that went into effect in 1933 and has not won another War since World War II. The Prophet showed the Mandate to many Officials of the Adept Chamber of The MST of A that He founded in 1920. Still, by the year 2003, the Moors had not been redeemed from the wrath of feigned Citizenry in the USA's 14th and 15th Amendment. While the United States has never been without her staple of African Slaves, the Manumission of the Moorish is infinitely inevitable; at the end of time and the fulfilling of the prophecies. During the first National Conference Representation of the Ex-Slaves, not as Members of his Moorish Science Temple Organization but by their one free National Name of "Moorish Americans." This marks the first time the ex-slaves' proper status has been truly represented since the abolishment of U. S. Slavery. This event is a reflection of one of the many miracles illustrated by Prophet Noble Drew Ali during his brief 16-year Ministry. This reflection was taken in Havana Cuba, with the gift of a "Panama" on the head of Drew Ali which was presented to him by the Cuban Government. This great national representation occurred about one year before He left His body. This is how "He began to uplift the Moorish Americans by teaching them to be themselves." This event marked the first and last time the so-called Negro was duly recognized as being a new nation, according to their one true free national name, of Moorish Americans. Noble Drew Ali declared, "This is a new era of time now and all men now must proclaim their free national name to be recognized by the government and the nations of the earth." With this international proclamation of Independence, Drew Ali paved the way which would demonstrate the inevitability of freedom for the Moorish Americans, etc. But they must finish freeing themselves in order to assure the immutableness which rest in true freedom. For any man to perform the divine miracle of breaking the Old Masonic Roman Seal, that has declared all Negroes, Colored Folks and Blacks into perpetual mental slavery, now, into one clean and pure nation of people, thus reattaching them to the human family of nations, has proved beyond all reasonable doubts, Ali is a Holy Prophet ordained by the great God. Still, there are those who denounce the Prophethood of Noble Drew Ali. Even though His duties and saving Powers of salvation are clearly in the line genealogy of all Major and Minor Prophets sent before him. Needful-to-say, this unholy onslaught is lead by those who call themselves 'Sunni' or 'Shiite' Muslims under the Post-Mohammed Arab-version of Islam. Aren't these the same pagans who's GNP has been The African Slave Trade for centuries before the advent of Prophet Mohammed? Albeit the truth, Allah did raise a Holy Prophet from amongst those infidels of Havilah, but it did little good to deter the Arabian lust for African Slaves (see: Who Are The Siddis Of India?). To this day they will not admit that man’s enslavement of man is merely the will of man and not The Will Of The Great Universal God, Allah! What does anyone really expect a Muslim to say when it comes to the same God, according to His Word, ordaining another Holy Prophet to the Negro heathens they sold to the west? Didn’t the Arabs know the true origin of the West African nationals before they stole and sold them into European slavery? Why ask a Muslim for the worthiness of those they enslaved, "In the name of Allah"? Isn’t that like asking the criminal to describe the crime? Mohammed's being the 'Seal of the prophets' does not conflict with "Noble Drew Ali is the last Prophet in these days." The Great God, Allah, has kept his covenant to always raise one from amongst those who have gone astray. As for those who think like Arabia ... surely Allah knows what man knows not. Just because a former slave learns to speak Arabic, the language of his Slave Traders, does not interpret into their freedom. No, not any more than one can make a 1st Class Citizen from Negroes, Blacks or Colored Folks. Drew Ali has done the same for these Sinners as Confucius for the Chinese, Yehoshua for the Israelites and Mohammed for the Arabians (PBUT). In the entire world, of all the 'People of the Book', who other from among them has brought the truth to free the Moorish? Who has fulfilled the divine duties of a Prophet except the Great Prophet of Ali in America?xProfile Edited by MPS MySpace Editor 2.0Profile Edited by MPS MySpace Editor 2.0