Dal 2000 mi dedico alla produzione musicale.
Nel 2008 comincio a collaborare con Radio Deejay ed in particolare con Dj Albertino, per il quale realizzo diverse produzioni, tra cui:
- Jingle per il programma Dance Revolution
- Sigla ufficiale del Deejay Time
- Jingles e svariate voci utilizzati all'interno del Deejay Time
ENG - I started in 1987 as a guitarist in the punk hardcore band Church of Violence and I musically grew up with them. I recorded 2 lps with Church of Violence: "In puttanate sei speciale" and "The Herzie prophets", besides several compilations. The experience lasted 10 years and brought the band touring across Italy and a part of Europe, accumulating over 360 concerts. Later on, I took part in various projects. Among them: Jester Beast (trash core), Fluxus (noise), Sushi Planet (hardcore), Plastination (hardcore) to come at last to Fratelli Sberlicchio (bastard pop) in which I still militate as guitarist and producer.
Since 2000 I've devoted myself to the musical production.
In 2008 I begin a collaboration with Radio Deejay, particularly with Dj Albertino. I've made several productions for him, that are:
- A jingle for the radio programme Dance Revolution
- The official tune for Deejay Time
- Many jingles and voices used during Deejay Time