Marco "cipo" Calliari was born early in the morning pretty a long time ago. "It was cold -he remembers- and there were so many people around. They seemed to wait for someone...
Yes, I was!
What a great moment of glory!!!"
One day he became a sound engineer. Even popular (!).
He did not remember the day but yes... he liked to play, sing, but...
...but he liked more to push buttons, turning knobs, moving faders, compressing signals, gating others, cutting tapes, matching levels, c o n v e r t i n g-sound-in-electricity...
From that moment his life would have never been the same.
Now you can find him at Gulp recording studio in Torino during a tracking or mixing session or somewhere around the world behind a consolle during a concert ...or sometimes (too few times) at the bank of a river with a rod with the intention of catching some suicide fish. be continued