Information Technology & Computers. Specifically, creative mob psychology manipulation in any and all multi / mass media communication.
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MOIKO RECORDS ~ RECORDING ARTIST Authentic Avant-Garde Pseudo Psychadellic Pop Rock with a little Punk & Surf & Fusion thrown in for good measure. Please don't miss my Full Blown Show Band ..... It's B E N - W A & T H E B A L L Z !
Featuring - (Big Bad) Benny Beatlebomb doing Synchronized Surupy Audiophile Structures on Drums & Vocals
- Stun Dexim providing Subsonic Subliminal Psychology with Bass & Vocals and - The Altruistic Messiah-His Divine Grace Himself - bringing a little (very little) Direction, along with some other things (Electronic-Guitar/Synth & Vocals.
In as they divide & come together into more than three or four or less than two or one within far out near in yes no way disjointed combinations overstating underwellming clumsy elegant distractions of compelling inattentive normal weird compulsive rejection embracing exponentially much more or just a little less than simple complex differences between the spaces and the sum of all it's parts. Star Trek, Kung Fu, The Prisoner
Alice B. Tolkas Cookbook, The Tibetan Book of the Dead, Steal This Book, Alice In Wonderland.
Parents, Brother, & Friends__& NOW YOU can be my Hero as well!!!!Just download my original music. Here's how. . . 1) Double click on any of the songs below 2) Listen to the previews, 3) Check all songs you want to download(for only .99 cents each!) 4) Select 'Check Out' and follow the directions! ... This is the Snocap. A device that allows us a moment of spiritual reflection - by providing the way to contribute! Now you can, at last, obtain, the long promised crystal clarity that's finally fulfilling my vision of an e-commerce site that's truly functional - Please Donate!