People with nothing to say, guilt, poverty, viscid secretions, things that go up and down(i will except left to right or back and forth), war, peace, wooden instruments(musical), cats, marbles, foreign languages, native American languages, eating animals I kill before they kill me, napoleonic law, historical accounts and re-enactments, the letters i,o, & u and sometimes y, the i-generation, dreams about my interests, and seeing the light above my head turn on. I am also interested in what other peoples interests are so feel free to share them.
And...Well, Ok. Here's a List of My Top 11 in No Particular Order:
1: Braveheart
2: a Scanner Darkly
3: Good Will Hunting
4: Snatch
5: V Is for Vendetta
6: Seven
7: the Natural
8: the Patriot
9: Dances with Wolves
10: Saw(I, II, & III)
11: Vanilla Sky
12: Peaceful Warrior
Yes, I do own one but its rather old and I believe its made by RCA. The picture is great and sounds incredible. I am pleased. It provides me all of the audio/visual pleasure I need.
Ah! The source of my elevation and often I am trying to read three or four or five at a time. Yea, I'm a regular Kim Peeks. Currently reading the Secret Life of Plants by Peter Tompkins and Christopher Bird, Descent into Tyranny by Alex Jones, 'Till Death Do Us Part by John Dickson Carr, Crowfoot by Hugh A. Dempsey, and re-reading for the um-teenth time The Treasured Writings of Kahlil Gibran.
Lets See. Again, in No Particular Order 1-crazy Horse and the Entire Souix Nation Who Managed to Survive Those Terrorist Bastards 2-those Who Have Given and Continue to Give Their Lives to Make the World a Better Place for All to Live 3-Albert Hoffman 3-dan Millman 4-Tenzin Gyatso A.k.a. His Holiness Dalai Lama Xiv 5-Paul Simon 6-bugs Bunny and Road Runner 7-dietary Supplements 8-you 9-tony Hawk and Crew 10-joe and Taj of T1 11-bob Marley 12-musicians All over and of Every Background and Sound 13-the Muppet Family and Cast 14-the New Orleans Judicial System, Just Joking 15- Our Troops in the Middle East and about the Earth 16-crack-a-lacking Joksta's 17-people and Organizations Who Help Survivors of Natural Catastrophes 18-still-life Photography 19- Bill Hicks 20- Robin Williams 21- the Energizer Bunny 22- the Last Bow Maker in China 23-those Who Risk Everything to Help Animals Escape from Research Labs as Well as Those Facing Extinction Due to Meeting Humanity (Or the Lack Of) 24-jesus