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Dropping comic knowledge, one download at a time

About Me

iFanboy Pick of the Week for January 4, 2008
The iFanboy.com Comic Book Podcast is a weekly talk show discussing the best in current comic book releases.
Ron, Conor and Josh will share what they loved and hated about the week's comics. With a deep, sometimes scary knowledge of the depths and intricacies of pop culture and the geek lifestyle, the conversations can spin off in many directions. While comics, graphic novels and trade paperbacks are the center of the iFanboy universe, the discussion often covers the video games, movies and TV shows which will capture the fancy of your regular comic book reader.
Fun, intelligent, witty and entertaining, the iFanboy crew are just as likely to agree as argue about what's good and what's bad in superhero comics, indie comics, humorous comics, and important graphic novels as well as the creators, writers and artists behind them. We've even occasionally been in the same room as guys like Brian Michael Bendis, Kurt Buiek, Warren Ellis, Jim Lee, Joe Quesada, Steve Dillon, Kevin Smith, Stan Lee and others. It was a big room, but we were in it. This podcast is so good, you don't even need to read comic books to enjoy it, but it's a lot better if you do.
New episodes every Sunday!
iFanboy is a weekly video podcast that brings you the world of comic books through the eyes of iFanboy hosts Josh, Ron, and Conor.
Whether you want to see what's going on at some of the biggest comic book conventions, or you're not sure what comics you should be reading, iFanboy covers a new topic every week, with passion, honesty, and, if all goes well, some laughs too.
Whether it's talking about comics from the living room, or going out and meeting big names at conventions and signings, iFanboy will bring you something fun every week.
Watch iFanboy for graphic novel and trade paperback recommendations, reviews of comics from Marvel, DC, Image, and Indie publishers, and sometimes we even give dating advice. So far, we've talked to Grant Morrison, Robert Kirkman, Dan DiDio, Brian K. Vaughan, Peter David, Joe Casey, Greg Rucka, Paul Dini, Joss Whedon, and others. And we're just getting started.
New episodes every Wednesday!

My Interests

iFanboy.com , comics, comic books, graphic novels, trade paperbacks, Marvel Comics, DC Comics, Image Comics, Oni Press, Darkhorse Comics, Devil's Due Publishing, Top Shelf Press, Vertigo, Wildstorm, AiT/PlanetLar, webcomics, 19th Century French poetry, pie.

I'd like to meet:

People who like comic books, comic book related media, podcasts and intelligent discussion.

iFanboy - Episode #55: "Kingdom Come"

It takes a big man to admit when he's wrong, and this week Josh is that big man. Having initially dismissed Kingdom Come, he is now willing to admit his mistake and repent.

Firefox users - there seems to be a problem with myspace and our video. Head over to iFanboy or rev3 and watch it there.


The iFanboy Comic Book Podcast:


Superman Returns, Batman Begins, X-Men, X-Men 2: X-Men United, Spider-Man, Spider-Man 2, Hulk, Ghost World, Road to Perdition, A History of Violence, Frank Miller's Sin City, Hellboy, Superman: The Movie, Superman II, Superman III, Batman, Batman Returns, Batman: The Movie, V For Vendetta, American Splendor, Constantine




Our heroes: