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Lisa King

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

.. I'm not on here for any kind of confrontation of any sort! If it happens, the beauty is I can just hit delete, My day will not be ruined. It does seem that this medium attracts a lot of pissy people, though, doesnt it? I just dont have time. My friends & family know whats in my heart & thats all that matters. Period. Finito. I guess I'm sort of a tree-huggin, cat lovin, animal & kid advocate, hippie sort of a girl;) Mainly, I'm a Mom & have been a wife longer than I haven't been:) I have one little Grandson who turned 4 in September! And another is on the way! Woo-Hoo! my family is my life:)"uber" is a funny word,makes me laugh when I hear someone say it. /a ..src="" .."" border="0"/ ..src="" .."" border="0"/ adopt your own virtual pet!
.. You scored as Cultural Creative. Cultural Creatives are probably the newest group to enter this realm. You are a modern thinker who tends to shy away from organized religion but still feels as if there is something greater than ourselves. You are very spiritual, even if you are not religious. Life has a meaning outside of the rational.

Cultural Creative















What is Your World View?

My Interests

There is no way that any of these lists are in any kind of order. haha. I really love cars, motorcycles, shoes, decorating, gardening, being outdoors, hiking, camping,Vegas, Disneyland, stuff like that...My Family. We have an '82 Shovelhead & a Big Dog, and I have a Viper red 1970 Chevy Nova thats pretty sweet(and yes, I claim the Nova:) I love, love, love horses & sick choppers:) Hockey has been known to make me very excited:) Our cars & bikes are a sense of interest & pride and I admire people who take time & money to keep old cars living on:)and it truly is all about the bowties! for me anyways... Hanging with my grandson is the best of days, but its not really a lazy day when he's around, he's VERY active & smart!

I'd like to meet:

Genuine people who are open to changing their entire life & want to travel & make money. No pressure. I HAVE NEVER been involved with a company like this! Each person having such a great life story really inspires me. There is such a tremendous level of CHARACTER within this company:) What are you waiting for? Ask me;) Sandra Bullock, Danica Patrick, Tina Turner, strong beautiful women like that... I wish I could go back in time & meet Marilyn Monroe, she had such a magnetic persona, the world still knows who she is & she's been gone for 40 years or so.. Hmm, as far as friends? I would like to meet some people with a little integrity, thats all. I used to be more of a people-person, but now I just need a few close friends & my wonderful family;) FOR YOUR TRAVEL BOOKING NEEDS, PLEASE VISIT ME AT: WWW.MERMAIDISLAND.WORLDVENTURES.COM
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Your Hawaiian Name is:
Palila Lani What's your Hawaiian Name?
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I love most music.Mainly Country & Rock & Roll. Not a lot of the new Rock, though...It would be Tom Petty with or without The Heartbreakers, Aerosmith, Van Halen, Sheryl Crow, Sammy Hagar,PRINCE, Jewel, Pink Floyd, Pink, Kid Rock, BB King, Eric Clapton,Goo Goo Dolls, Fleetwood Mac, Lenny Kravitz, some old Disco;)The Cars, George Strait,Nirvana, Kenny Chesney,Sir Elton John is an all time fav,Rod Stewart,Jimmy Buffet,Alan Jackson;)Kenny Rogers?Haha! yes. I like some Opera, some Classical stuff. I love old Honky Tonk(Patsy & Hank). I love The Blues & good old Motown.I love Sublime & Cake & Blink 182, & 311,& No Doubt(reminds me of good times with the kids at the BMX races) The kids need a better influence to listen to. The Worlds going to hell in a hand-basket. I know how much I love music & the lyrics are actually very influential. But I like some old school Beastie Boys & Run DMC, LOL. Dickless.just checkin to see if your really reading this or not...maybe its TMI. And I cant forget the BRITS:If this WERE in order, this would all be toward the other end;) The Stones, The Beatles & Led Zeppelin, see I told you I like older stuff. If I play a cd it'll be Rascal Flatts or one of 'my' mixes, Alan Jackson or my Hawaiian music:)I'm really digging a type of music called "slack-key guitar," Allison Krauss, she sings like an angel:) And Shania. Sometimes I dance around to stupid commercials & stuff, I like music. There are probably a hundred more artists that I enjoy, but I'm the worst at rememberring who sings what. THIS IS ME: IS THIS BUSH? THIS IS LAUREN: NO MOM, ITS INCUBUS, HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU? But I'll listen to pretty much whatever is on. I love music. Youve just been privy to a very important family joke sure to erupt laughter when mentioned.


In no particular order and quite lengthy, I know. Some of my favorites are THE MISFITS(her best in my opinion) The Big Chill, HOPE FLOATS, One flew over a cuckoos nest, PULP FICTION, Shawshank Redemption, Happy Gilmore, WALK THE LINE,Casablanca,Mars Attacks! Ragtime, Cape Fear, The Graduate, Willard,Slingblade, Streetcar Named Desire, Breakfast at Tiffay's,Almost Famous, Tommy Boy!Smokey & The Bandit,ON A CLEAR DAY, A BRONX TALE,Fargo,BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN(funny enough, that ones not on my hubby's list, though, lol) REMEMBER THE TITANS! Steel Magnolias, FALLING DOWN, Shrek(the trilogy,lol),RAISING ARIZONA,Sea Biscuit, Little Miss Sunshine,WORLDS FASTEST INDIAN, Rudy, Finding Nemo, Cannery Row,DREAMER,Casino,FARGO,LEAVING LAS VEGAS, Goodfellas, Easy Rider,THE TERMINAL, Whats eating Gilbert Grape, Pretty Woman, BLAZING SADDLES, Dances with wolves,Spaghetti Westerns:) Blow, Some like it hot, AMERICAN BEAUTY, The Notebook,SHINDLERS LIST, Meet the Parents, Mermaids, Forest Gump, A FAIRY TALE, The Black Stallion, The Phantom of the Opera..Napoleon Dynamite(heck-ya) Tombstone, When a man loves a woman, ON ANY SUNDAY-the motorcycle one with Steve McQueen(and mainly because its his favorite! LOL!) My kids turned me on to the Fridays movies, funny stuff. Dumb & Dumber.Up in Smoke, The Three Amigos! The National Lampoon Vacation movies & Monty Python "Its just a flesh wound" or "wha 'ump?" Anything with Leslie Nielson:)or Chevy Chase:)or Adam Sandler, Hehe.I love all of the Austin Powers movies,Garden State, The devil wears Prada, Road Trip.Most of Johnny Depp's flics, FEAR & LOATHING IN LAS VEGAS is one of my all time fav's:)Nothing to loose, Legends of the fall,Grandma's Boy.Just naming a few;)


Whoa, I just recently stumbled onto House- MD! This is a program that speaks to me! Haha;)Ive been watching all the old episodes & we love it!AS FAR AS NEW STUFF, SOMETHING IN THE CURRENT YEAR, LOL,(still mourning, yet hopeful) JOHN FROM CINCINATTI,CANT SEEM TO TEAR MYSELF AWAY FROM "BIG LOVE" I LOVE Larry Davids show "Curb your Enthusiasm" he gets in so many predicaments...its funny! We love Real Time with Bill Maher.... and I absolutely love EARL & THE OFFICE, and JEOPARDY! And then its mostly re-runs. Will & Grace, and That 70's show, Friends, Seinfeld,Frasier,SEX AND THE CITY, and I love HGTV. My all time favorite is I Love Lucy! And Bewitched. And if I can catch Mayberry & The Beverly Hillbillies!haha, I know, but I grew up on that stuff...I Dream of Jeanie:) I keep thinking of new ones.... And of course, NASCAR..... Been watching since before it was "cool." I miss Rusty & Mark. I love you guys! THE TRAVEL CHANNEL, THE HISTORY CHANNEL, COURT TV, I know it sounds like a lot, but its actually just on & I'm usually not sitting on my butt watching it, really....Although, I could watch IFC all afternoon;) '08 election:I havent committed myself to the next election, but I am listening;)...We gotta get this stuff under control!haha! IT IS MAGICAL TO THINK THAT FOR THE FIRST TIME IN US HISTORY WE MAY HAVE A WOMAN OR A BLACK MAN AS PRESIDENT;)And I'm saying that as I believe The Country has evolved enough to be able to make this possible. When it comes right down to it, we vote "Who do we NOT want in office." And we need to dump this electoral process crap. We should use a process that makes "The Peoples" vote count. Goes along with that whole "Greater Good" thing!img src=" dance/images/dancing-3.gif" style="padding:3px;background:#000;color:#00ADEF;f ont-family:tahoma;font-size:11px;font-weight:bold;text-decor ation:none;border:3px double #00ADEF" href=" VhdmVuLmNvbQ==" target="


I love a good book.I have read all my life. The first books I read were by Ralph Moody, Marguerette Henry, Walter Farley, & EB White. These days I love Joseph Wambaugh & Steven King & Amy Tan. Jimmy Buffet writes books that I enjoy.I've read all of Jennifer Weiners books, too. There are a lot of Authors who I cant think of right now.Usually reading something by Don Miguel Ruiz,(self-help crap,and I mean that in a "good" way)I actually have a couple of books that I'm reading now. I do that, if I'm not really into them,or dont have much time to spend reading, but I dont want to feel guilty for not finishing them, I plod on...I do eventually finish them.img src=" peace/images/d5af0976-1.gif" style="padding:3px;background:#000;color:#00ADEF;f ont-family:tahoma;font-size:11px;font-weight:bold;text-decor ation:none;border:3px double #00ADEF" href=" VhdmVuLmNvbQ==" target="


UNDERDOG!!! In general I like a person who stands up for whats right. I HAVE seen the anti-that:( And the rest are private.
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My Blog

Where I really was this past weekend...

I have just returned from "The wedding of the year!" Yes, I was invited to P.B. to attend her latest wedding. The ceremony was held at Mar-A-Loco Estate, and was it ever grand! Everywhere the eye coul...
Posted by Lisa King on Tue, 15 Apr 2008 12:40:00 PST

my dad

i had a couple well meaning friends ask me why i was depressed. i know, i do suffer from depression, but its not that. i just found out that my father(the one who raised me, not biological) is termina...
Posted by Lisa King on Tue, 08 Apr 2008 10:12:00 PST

Interview questions from Mrs. Clayton

I know this is about a week overdue,*flashback to High School* Mrs. Clayton, who BTW is a very interesting blogger, gave me 5 little questions to answer. I call her Mrs. C, I guess she like to call me...
Posted by Lisa King on Mon, 07 Apr 2008 02:21:00 PST

Photobucket tag=)

Ok, I’m finally getting around to the tag. Feel free to tag yourself if you would like. Its pretty easy. Just go to, add the topic in the search area(no need to sign in if yo...
Posted by Lisa King on Sun, 06 Apr 2008 06:21:00 PST

this is a test

Posted by Lisa King on Sun, 06 Apr 2008 05:09:00 PST

Happy Easter!

Just wanted to say Happy Easter to everyone=) I didnt get comments sent out. Any-who...Whatever your reason for the day, I hope your’s is blessed! And dont eat too much chocolate;)  &n...
Posted by Lisa King on Sun, 23 Mar 2008 09:51:00 PST

Bamboozled(Lauren dont read-haha)

What a lovely lazy day today. Its so windy here & even inside the house, my head wants to pop, so Ive just stayed in & taken care of some stuff & poked around on the internet today. ...
Posted by Lisa King on Sun, 16 Mar 2008 02:44:00 PST

Monkey-madness flashback

Dont you just love it when you wake up on a Saturday or Sunday morning & you have the luxury of lounging around to catch an old favorite movie.You happen on the right channel. The very beginning o...
Posted by Lisa King on Sun, 16 Mar 2008 10:44:00 PST

Airplane rides, magicians & a Partridge...

So we went to Vegas last weekend. I have been going to write because it was an odd little trip, I just havent felt up to it. I think I walked too close to the Craps table or something cuz I’ve f...
Posted by Lisa King on Sat, 15 Mar 2008 05:14:00 PST

Why yes, I do have good childhood memories;)

This past weekend some really good memories wafted back. I love that. My Dad's sister Ruth was married to my Uncle Benny. To sum it up, my Uncle Benny was one of the most charismatic people you ...
Posted by Lisa King on Mon, 03 Mar 2008 01:53:00 PST