Did you ever hear the joke about the definition of stupidity? It’s doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. Except it’s not a joke. That really is the definition of stupidity. And we know, because we were living it. Is this what you find happening in your own life? Do you get up every day, go to work, come home, eat dinner, go to bed and do it all again tomorrow, hating every minute of it but never doing what’s needed to snap out of it?
You’re not stupid. And you’re not alone. One More "SHOCKER"... It's not your fault! Because nobody ever showed you how your life could be different. Someone showed us, took us by the hand and guided us. That's how we learned...and it would not have happened without them. We learned how improtant it was to have a coach.
Only 1 out of every 100 people ever achieves great wealth. As a matter of fact look at the statistics from a study done by the U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare (source Retire Young, Retire Rich By Robert Kiyosaki). They tracked people from age 20 to age 65 and found...
At age 65:
1% was wealthy
4% were well off
5% were still working because they had to
54% were living on family or government support
36% were dead
Our guess is that those who were well off and wealthy had a coach. If it’s something we all want so badly, why is it so hard to obtain? Because most people don’t have a plan. Life happens to you, instead of you happening to your life. So we keep doing the same thing over and over, desperately wanting out and hoping some fairy godmother will stop by and bail us out. It’s stupid. But it doesn’t have to be that way, and we’re living proof this is true.
We are Sean and John, two regular guys who happened to become friends during our 18+ years running in the rat race of "Corporate America." Just like you, we dreamed of a better way….a way that meant more freedom, more time with our families, relief from crushing debt, high mortgages, and college tuition, and an escape route from unforgiving employers who continually demanded we do more with less.
We knew that self-employment was part of the answer, but it took us a while before we found exactly the right kind of business to fill in the missing piece of the puzzle, the piece that showed us a remarkably easy alternative to generating excellent incomes.
We’d like to share our success with you. Sure, we realize you think you’ve heard it before. You’re probably shaking your head right now, saying to yourself, “Oh, yeah, another pie in the sky promise of big money.†We know, because we were put through the ringer too, looking for the right opportunity, until we found this one. But we promise you-- give us 30 minutes of your time, and we will make it worth your while.
This is the real deal. It’s not vitamins, nutritional supplements or weight loss pills. But it is something every person on the planet wants and uses, regularly. What is it? Vacations. And we’d hate for you to miss out just because your current lifestyle has made you a bit cynical.
So what should you do? Contact us and we will share with you some information. We do not care that you say yes or no, just that you take a look.
If it’s not for you, no hard feelings. We know only a select few will be open minded enough to see this for the really incredible opportunity it is, and those open minded people interested in earning a six figure income showing other people how to save money on vacations are exactly who we’re looking for.
So click here right now while you’re thinking about it to watch a brief video that will give you all the details you need to know if this is for you. You have probably heard the cliché, “There’s no time like the presentâ€, so before you get distracted with something else, click here. You’re going to be blown away but what you see! Thanks for stopping by and we hope to talk to you personally soon.