To all those that I know who are cancer survivors forever shine your light, as an example of choice. Choose to do things because you want to...and not because you have too! Live with no regret. To those who have passed on throughout my life, this light shines for you, to always remember your light blessed my life. I COUNT MY MANY BLESSINGS!Get Your Own! | View Slideshow
If you don't know what is Arbonne, send me a message and lets make a date to keep you looking so young and beautiful. Check out Arbonne! It just might be for you!
Island music, r and b, classical to country, reggae too of course! But really, anything that can get your head bumpin' & your rump shakin', keeping U in the grove, I can get in the mood...
Any meaningful, heartfelt, tearjerker,
crybaby movies get me really really bad.
House, DOG*The Bountyhunter,UFC,SPIKE TV, home enprovement, style...lucky for digital!
As long as I can tax write it off...even better!
If you know know everybodys a hero in my heart!
Thank you for sharing your light with me!