♥ Aunani ♥ profile picture

♥ Aunani ♥

ATTITUDES are contagious, is YOURS worth catching

About Me

My name is Ashlee...... Anything else, Just ask... HAWAIIAN GROWN in KEAUKAHA, HAWAI'I and proud of it! Life is both busy and rewarding in many ways. I've been blessed with four growing young ones to raise in my very own home...not my dream home, but a stepping stone to the one we are planning to build...yet it still our very own home. I share my life with my very own "iron chef"...so I guess my waist is loving it!... aka My Love of 14 yrs ...yep, got married right after graduation...to give and get great loving from,the only sis in the family and the oldest of two brothers! My parents are now grandparents...still missing my brother Daniel everyday, since we lost him in 1993. I do have a niece...but due to different goals between her parents, only by pictures my children and I get to see her and watch her grow from a distance...she doesn't have to worry, she has a good daddy who does work and pay his child support and medical for his daughter, even though she doesn't get to her see her daddy. Out of sight but never forgotten. God blessed me with the gift of life everyday I open my eyes. My family is the foundation of my life. Somethings you can control life and some you can't. I just have to go with the flow. My family help me surive the rocky roads called life. While being grateful for friends sharing the time with us building memories we forever etch in our hearts and lives changing our world everyday! I'm blessed to love and be loved from deep with in my soul. I do my best to share that love I have to everyone I love. Weather I know how to or not. My aging health is always reminding me of my increasing age and the once upon memories of my youth brings a smile to my face, a song in my ear, a memory deep in the heart filling the soul with the hunger of contentment can be majorly addicting. As someone once told me...Always strive for the best and never settle for anything less...no matter what you do in life. So you will always surround yourself with great things. The greatest thing being a smile on the next persons face. Oh how beautiful! Now coming upon the mid-life wooos...with Arbonne in my life now, who knows where life leads...boy I'm lucky to be the author of my own book called my life! So if I can find some ME time anywhere maybe I'll find the courage to sit down and write it!! LOL! But everyday is a new day to thank the Lord for allowing me to wake up to say I Love you to the important people in my life and my world. I count my blessing everyday for everyone who is apart of it!

My Interests

To all those that I know who are cancer survivors forever shine your light, as an example of choice. Choose to do things because you want to...and not because you have too! Live with no regret. To those who have passed on throughout my life, this light shines for you, to always remember your light blessed my life. I COUNT MY MANY BLESSINGS!Get Your Own! | View Slideshow

I'd like to meet:

Arbonne...Arbonne...Arbonne!!!!!! If you don't know what is Arbonne, send me a message and lets make a date to keep you looking so young and beautiful. Check out Arbonne! It just might be for you!


Island music, r and b, classical to country, reggae too of course! But really, anything that can get your head bumpin' & your rump shakin', keeping U in the grove, I can get in the mood...


Any meaningful, heartfelt, tearjerker, crybaby movies get me really really bad.


House, DOG*The Bountyhunter,UFC,SPIKE TV, home enprovement, style...lucky for digital!


As long as I can tax write it off...even better!


If you know me...you know everybodys a hero in my heart! Thank you for sharing your light with me!

My Blog

My Reason, Season and Lifetime...

  It's amazing how God works...How he brings people into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime. When you know which one it is, you will know what to do for that person. When someone is...
Posted by ~@.@un@ni~ on Thu, 14 Dec 2006 01:43:00 PST

Curious...U ask once & I answer back

U get 1 chance to ask me **1 Question** So here's the deal.. .You get to 1 chance to ask me any *1 Question*any one question, no matter how .. crazy, .. inappropriate, ..  stupid, .. or ju...
Posted by ~@.@un@ni~ on Wed, 19 Jul 2006 03:07:00 PST