I'm not really good at the "About Me" question, there are so many sides of "Me," that I'm never quite sure which to tell. I'm not saying that I have dual or multiple existenses ... but I'm certain there are aspects of what makes me me that would bore some people silly.
For example, I'm sure you don't want to hear about the "Insurance Professional" me ... hell, I don't even want to hear about that ... it is merely a means to paying the mortgage and putting food on the table.
Then there is the "Wife/Daughter/Sister" me. I can't really tell you much about that part. Oh, there are stories to be told, and they may yet find an audience, but right now, there are living participants in those sagas that may object to me airing the collective dirty laundry ... especially in a forum that doesn't involve royalty cheques.
So, that leaves precious little else ...
There is the "Me" that thought she could write erotic fiction. It was a passing phase, but I did get one good story out ... You can read "The Dream" at Best Erotic Stories.
There is the "Me" that works with Distributed Proofreaders to create e-books for Project Gutenberg . I think this is a worthy "Me" to mention. In my role as a Content Provider and Project Manager, I spend a good deal of my "spare time," scanning books that are now in the public domain. With thousands of other volunteers, we convert these works into e-books ... to be enjoyed by generations to come. I finally feel as if I have a legacy.
To me, every book is an opportunity to learn, to expand my mind, to blow my mind, or, to escape into the realm of someone else's mind. The power contained is a well-written book has been demonstrated time-after-time in our meagre history.... The fact that the Bible is used as a justification for unthinkable autrocities proves that even poorly-written books contain power. Then again, that stands to reason, really. Have you read the "consecrated" slaughter, rape, molestation and whatever else the authors of that tome considered holy? The only good parts (in my humble opinion), are the erotic utterances of King Solomon. Don't let the captions fool you! He wrote some steamy stuff.
On that note, I guess I will finish with one last "Me" ... for this one, I will quote from my webpage (which I need to spend some time updating):
Many external labels have been applied to me. Most of them are true. The ones that I can readily accept and identify with are: nullifidian (one who has no beliefs); atheist (one who has no god-belief); secularist (one who wishes for a separation between religion and government/public areas) and humanist (one who stands for equality of all people and strives to help fellow humans). I am also an agnostic. "Huh?", you say, "how can you be an atheist and an agnostic?" This is one of the questions I hear often enough that I figured it was safe attributing it to you ... the answer is simple: they deal with different areas of the brain. atheist/theist deals with belief. I have no belief, so I am atheistic; agnostic/gnostic deals with knowledge. My position is that none of us has the knowledge required to determine the existence of a deity, so we are all, theists and atheists alike, agnostic.
Well, there you have it ... "Me." Actually, a lot more about me than most people know.
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You Are Cookie Monster
Misunderstood as a primal monster, you're a true hedonist with a huge sweet tooth.
You are usually feeling: Hungry. Cookies are preferred, but you'll eat anything if cookies aren't around.
You are famous for: Your slightly crazy eyes and usual way of speaking
How you live your life: In the moment. "Me want COOKIE!"
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