Shaft XXL profile picture

Shaft XXL

Black, White, Brown, Yellow, Red, Human = Equal Opportunity Booty Lover!

About Me

No expections. Have faith. This is how I live my life. . If you know me, you know that I am easy going, and if you really know me, there is a notorious rebel under my silly face. Don't underestimate me. Work hard, explore your domain, appreciate yourself. These are the things I learn in my little slice of heaven, on the regular.
I live for a good glass of wine, it makes anything fine. I am extremely happy having a nice dinner with a great friend. I like to party with my blokes, and get rowdy, fuckin' beer, mate. Don't forget to let the ones you love know how much they rock. I am the epitome of "Nice Guy" however if I don't like you I won't talk to you.
My new bag is broadcasting, I volunteer at Arlington Independent Media. I am a camera man and production assistant. I do it for free, it is fun and I get to meet people.
I am a DJ. Shaft XXL is my handle, there is a cool story for how I got the name cuz I am one "bad mutha." Dancing is one of my favorite hobbies, its hows I get my exercise, freestyle, popping and locking, breaking, and two stepping is my mix of style. I am a promoter, I have been throwing my own weekly event for 3 years. "Tsunami Tsunday, " @ Cafe japone 2032 P St. Nw. Washington, D.C. I want exotic foods and love to drink with exotic people, etc. So be there Sucka!!! 9pm-1am

My Interests

This is my DJ Crew. Plate Techtoniks Check out some of our mixes and wild styles at our website!!! Contact me for Booking these kick ass Speaker Phreaking Mix Masters. Click it or Ticket.

I am also sponsored by a fucking kick ass Indie Record Store. They sell some of the best of our counter culture and most unique music in Electronica, Goth/Industrial, Punk, Heavy Metal, Indy Rock, and soon to be Independent Hip Hop. Strangeland Records support your local music scene!!!

I love going out dancing. My friends and I can always be spotted at the hottest DC clubs serving Bamas on the dancefloor.

I'm interested if you are! I will say I am interested in many things. I enjoy meeting new people. I believe in unconditional friendship. I don't judge people, unless they really want me too. If you look like a dickhead, act like a dickhead, you could be a dickhead. You know what I am talking about people.

I love food, I want all things exotic, I rarely order the same dish twice unless I have been to a particular restaurant a million times. Funky and spicy is the name of the game.

I am the type of guy who likes to do things. I like outdoor activities, for example I don't know anything about caving, however I was the first one down that muddy dark hole the only time I went. If you are not first, then you are the last. I cannot identify with those who are status quo.

I like my women exotic too, "que pasa, muchachas?"
Your Life is Rated R
Your life is definitely adults only. While children accompanied by parents are welcome, they'll probably be scarred for life. What is Your Life Rated?

I'd like to meet:

Just about anyone. I am a sucker for a good story. I love to meet people from all sorts of backgrounds and cultures. Generally I have the most fun with kids of counter-cultures.
The young at heart, intelligent and wild. I guess this is how I see myself. I want to meet people that work hard and play harder. Artists, musicians, engineers, mechanics, chefs, au paires, travelers, and scholars. I love conversation, I love listening, I love you. This might sound condescending, if you come at me cocky, and with an attitude, prepare to get that shit handed right back to you.

how jedi are you? :: by lawrie malen
You have been marked on my profile map!
.. MaxBot2001


Wow, where do I begin. Things that go Boom in the night. Muzik is like sex because there are all sorts of emotions it can evoke, different tempos, and energies. It is the soundtrack to sour times and unforgettable escapades. I love almost all things Breakbeats, House, Hip hop, Drum n Bass are my main stays. I have also been known to rock out some Trip Hop, Funk, Rock and Industrial, 2-Step. I can start listing bands but all the psychos and saints that have molded me are too many to mention. I'll give you a few to seem less ambiguous. Michael and Janet Jackson, The Cure, Bjork, Prince, Stone Temple Pilots, Radiohead, Nirvana, NIN, Old Marilyn Manson, Garbage, Pizzicato Five, Portishead, Madonna, Beastie Boys, Sublime, Cypress Hill y'all, And really there is nothing like blasting classical music and acting crazy around the house. Maybe some Beethoven or Schubert, your ancient and unhip neighbors will hate you and respect you all at the same time. More music etc. etc.


Strange Days, How High, Half Baked, Ichi the Killer (crazy japanese cut'em up that inspired Kill Bill), Kill Bill, Hackers, Batman, The Doors, "Human Traffic" is definately the story of our post modern lives. LOTR yeah all 3 of em'. Most of the Star Trek Movies, PS fuk ya'll so I am a geek sue me. All the Star Wars movies that Jar Jar Binks is not in. "I am" Spartacus, Teenage Muntant Ninja Turtles. Die Hard Trilogy. Akira, Ghost in the Shell, Dracula, The Matrix series. Interview With a Vampire is a good movie, Queen of the Damned is a good movie if you are on mushrooms. Segue off to FEAR AND LOATHING IN LAS VEGAS. A Clockwork Orange, Full Metal Jacket, Platoon, The Doors, Predator 1&2, Alien through Alien Ressurection, Shaft old school and new school, The Exorcist, Dazed and Confused, The Fifth Element, Extreme Doggie Stylin' Vol. 9-24 And the list goes on. And I also get into sensitive and insightful stories of the heart (wink, wink, ladies).


Don't really watch too much television. However, The Simpsons, Futurama, Family Guy, Inuyasha, ATHF, Neon Genesis almost everything on Adult Swim. The Daily Show, Dave Chapelle, Mind of Mencia, South Park, and Drawn Together, it's all about Comedy Central. I may have mention I am a geek earlier in my profile so I do occasionally watch Sci Fi channel and Star Trek, with a dash of G4 TV, stir, let cool, and serve. I have to throw in some Conan O'Brien. The Discovery Channel, History Channel, TLC, and Spike for my niggas. Fuck Mtv, I don't want it.


I am crossed eyed so I can read twice as many books. Too many to list.


"I need a heroe!" Professor Chaos, Spawn, Wolverine, and Piccachu / Charmander. Richard Roundtree as Shaft, Dolemite, Bruce Lee, Duck Dodgers, sometimes Ron Jeremy. Seriously though, MLK Jr., Malcom X, Jose Rizal, Ghandi, Nelson Mandela, my parents for all the times they gave the gov't and some ridiculously rich land developer aka "The Man" the legal middle finger. Angelina Jolie as Tomb Raider- jk, lol.

My Blog


Sometimes I think being a brat is a good thing. You can't be "cool" all the time.I don't have tool written on my forehead.Mr. Feelgood on tap.I don't work just to be entertainment for people.Thank y...
Posted by Shaft XXL on Wed, 31 Oct 2007 03:26:00 PST

Rock The River 9.1.07 - The Low Down on It!!!

Plate Techtoniks..Rock The RiverPlate TechtoniksRock The RiverPlate Techtoniks"Ground Breaking Music" Est. 2001A DC/Metro and Baltimore based DJ/Producer Collective specializing in all forms of Electr...
Posted by Shaft XXL on Fri, 03 Aug 2007 10:23:00 PST

Sept. 1st Plate Techtoniks DJ's and Rock the River Music Festival

Plate Techtoniks..Rock The RiverPlate Techtoniks"Ground Breaking Music" Est. 2001A DC/Metro and Baltimore based DJ/Producer Collective specializing in all forms of Electronic Dance and Urban Music.Sha...
Posted by Shaft XXL on Tue, 24 Jul 2007 10:05:00 PST

5.13.2007 Tsunami Tsundays: 80's Night

Posted By:mister bagelHosted By::misterbagele-mailWhen:Sunday May 13, 2007at 9:00 PMWhere::Sango Sho @ Cafe Japone2032 P St NWWashington DC, DC 20036United States View Map============================...
Posted by Shaft XXL on Wed, 09 May 2007 07:15:00 PST

SuperStar Real Estate DJ

So everyone I want to quit working at the Sea Catch in Georgetown by August 1st this summer. I have been there for 3 years and 2 months. Yes I do get away with murder there, who wants to go out for dr...
Posted by Shaft XXL on Thu, 26 Apr 2007 08:34:00 PST

DJ SHAFT XXL @ 5 Spot 4.11.07

.. message --> Essential Breaks and Broken Soul Present:::: [ FIVE SPOT ] // B.L.I.M. // Wednesday April 11th 2007 @ CLUB FIVE-- Featuring DJ's -- - B.L.I.M.[ TCR | Marine Parade | Botchit &...
Posted by Shaft XXL on Thu, 05 Apr 2007 08:14:00 PST

Rush: 2nd annual DJ Competition 3/3/07- Shaft XXL

Posted By:Shaft XXLHosted By::Maximo Labasbase-mailWhen:Saturday Mar 03, 2007at 10:00 PMWhere::Club 17221722 N. Charles StreetBaltimore, MD 21201United States View MapRush @ 1722 is having a DJ compet...
Posted by Shaft XXL on Sun, 18 Feb 2007 02:34:00 PST

That 80's Show - pics

These pics are courtesy of Side Show Bob. Check out more pics of this party and much more @ pics are also some posts in My Video...
Posted by Shaft XXL on Mon, 12 Feb 2007 09:40:00 PST

the think

I think trial by fire is the only way to learn, and to appreciate your environment.I know when I get to where I wanna go in life, I know that there can always be something more to set a goal for. I t...
Posted by Shaft XXL on Mon, 05 Feb 2007 11:15:00 PST

The Bitch Slap

I bitch slapped someone who owes me money(Smurf), and God Damn it felt good. From now on life is my bitch. I owe no apologies anymore, to anyone. I am sick of people and their above it all attitude ...
Posted by Shaft XXL on Sun, 28 Jan 2007 08:48:00 PST