Hermione Granger profile picture

Hermione Granger

~WingarDium LeViosa!!~

About Me

Hi, I"m Hermione Granger (its Her-My-Own-Nee alright!) Im currently studying at Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft And Wizardry which I entered in 1991. I am in Gryffindor house with my two bestfriends Harry Potter (yes,him!) and Ronald Weasley. I was supposed to be in Ravenclaw but the sorting hat got the better of me. I am what you wizards say, a muggle-born as my parents both are muggles and work as dentists. I love to read and write and am currently revising Standard Book of Spells, Grade 7. Even though its not really for my stage to read. Some people define me as a bossy know-it all (stop snickerring Ron!!!) but truly,I am quite friendly... see Harry's nodding already...and I love to help people in need (youve got Neville to ask about that!) As for classes, my fav has to be Arithmancy. So far, I havent got any troubles in that class.BUT I hate Divination. I think that its a total waste of time staring at tea leaves or crystal balls hoping to get a glimpse of the future... all I get is sore eyes for staring too hard... its RIDICULOUS!!!! So i dropped it (Proffesor Trelawney is a total fraud by the way) and took other USEFUL subjects to take its place. Boyfriends? no... not for me.... even though I did date Viktor Krum at the Yule Ball. He's quite nice,really(stop calling him Vicky,Ron!!) and I do have a cat.... his names Crookshanks and hes absolutely adorable!!!!(wink*) As for my worst fear... failing my exams!!!! I would kill myself if that happened!!!! I cant think of anything else to say right now, so i think Ill stop here. Maybe next time..... I have to get back to my revising. Bye for now!

My Interests

mainly everything.... but to be more specific... I would love to learn more spells, jinxes, and hexes so that I could use them on stinky Malfoy to turn him into a jumping ferret like how Prof.Moody did it to him in our fourth year. Or I might just turn him into something else....any suggestions???

I'd like to meet:

I would LOVE to meet any other witch or wizard out there who is currently studying at Hogwarts. Better off if they are a prefect (as I am) Better still if they are from a different house. You can never get enough friends,can you??? Or just anyone who is interested in knowing me better...yeah, that should do it...wanna be my pal...add me in!!!!






any book really... I have my one personal LIBRARY at home... but I am slightly more interested in the books from the wizarding world. There's just so much to know and read, I just cant stop myself sometimes. And I am not interested in muggle books like Little Red Riding Hood or The Three Little Pigs... they are a complete bore...plus, they have a big bad wolf in it. Wolves are supposed to know better!!!! At least from Prof. Lupin's perspective =)


Definately,Gilderoy Lockhart. Hes the Hottest Wizard In The World!!!! Did I mention that he won the Witch Weekly's Most Charming Smile Award five times in a row...... (drools)