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The Parker Report

About Me

Got me some advice from a few friends about life. They told me to dream, but only in broad day light. JB said slide into your O ZONE, let your brain be the muscle. Then Ali told me to get on my 21rst CENTURY HUSTLE. I asked Bonsu if DREAMS R REAL and his voice turned zen. He said we should all have XXL dreams like YN. Fahiym said find the SOURCE of your power, Chang said You just CAN'T STOP. Then Chuck and Greg confessed that they dream in ALL HIP HOP. Gotta BET on yourself, Cee told me by phone. Mimi added, The VIBE is only right when it's your own. At breakfast over fried eggs and a coffee cup, Tuma said Keep going even when life JAMS you up. It went on and on like this all day. Anslem, Jay-rod, One.9, and Conway. And just then it hit me, I was selling myself short. A few calls, a few plans and voila--THE PARKER REPORT. Now the hustle is LEGAL like Mega would say. And I'm the KING of my domain like Day and Jay. But the last person to awaken me was Charlotte Parker...MY MOM. Now you can catch me daily at // Dream yourself to sleep!.. width="425" height="350" ........

My Interests

Music. Hip-hop mostly.


See above


yes, too many to list.


The Avator: The Last Air Bender, Meet The Press, The McGlaughlan Report, Boondocks, Hard Ball With Chris Mathews, Conan Obrian, 360 Anderson Cooper, MTV Jams, etc...


Auto Biography of Malcolm X As Told To Alex Haley, Freakinomics, Divinci Code, Quincy Jones' Auto Biography, Pryor Convictions (Richard's bio)...


Lots. Too many. Or, I'm too lazy. Either one.