Traveling, $HOPPING, Making Money, Ba$ketball, Football, Tenni$, $occer, Golf, MU$IC, FILM$ and alot more!
HIP HOP: Diddy, Mi$$y, Eve, Jay-z, Jim Jone$ (Dip$et all day!), T.I, Lil' Wayne, Talib Kweli, Mo$ DefR&B: R. Kelly, A. Key$, M$. Mary J. BligeRock/Pop: Coldplay, Green Day, Pink, Gwen $tefaniJazz: Mile$ Davi$
$carface, The Godfather, Harlem Night$, Belly, Love Jone$, Napoleon Dynamite, Brown Sugar, Mob$ter$
$ex and The City, BET, MTV, VH1, E!, Oxygen, Being Bobby Brown, The L Word (No I am not gay but that is a very good $how), The Boondock$, The Wire
The BIBLE, Manchild In The Promi$ed Land & The Colde$t Winter Ever
GOD, My Mom, My Grandmother, $ean "Diddy" Comb$, Will Smith, Tyler Perry, Oprah, Ru$$ell $immon$ & Lyor Cohen ..