...well, that's sort of a long story... now's no good. I'm trying this MySpace deal so that I could meet up w/ some old friends, network my music, meet musicians like me, make better things happen through the net, etc. I guess I should also add that my family & friends mean a lot to me, music is one of my greatest passions, my students are totally THE BESTEST (they crack me up all the time)... What else? Ummm, I love bridges, the beach, the rain, Art, films (though I'm a pretty Classic person, so I don't really dig the speed of light in today's "cinema"). I also like photography, sand castles, playing the piano, climbing trees, pocket Aces, taking up space, caffeine, live concerts, meteor showers, the moon, James Brown, the color green and blue and brown, wise old tales, Spaghetti Westerns, spaghetti in general, good folks, red wine, laughter, Nutella...