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Caridad Pineiro

Caridad Pineiro, Satisfying no matter what mood you're in!

About Me

I love writing dark sexy vampire novels like those in THE CALLING series. Check out all the 2007 releases for THE CALLING and the brand new website at Also visit my main website at
I'm also doing a paranormal anthology in October 2007 with Maggie Shayne, Susan Sizemore, Lori Handeland. The title is MOON FEVER.
I love writing action/adventure novels like MORE THAN A MISSION . Can't wait for the sequel in August 2007 - SECRET AGENT REUNION.
I love writing edgy women's fiction like SEX AND THE SOUTH BEACH CHICAS and the Sep 2007 sequel -- SOUTH BEACH CHICAS CATCH THEIR MAN.
Okay, so maybe it's easier to say I love writing anything and everything!
I'd love to meet anyone who is interested in writing or reading great books!
Home **Mail **Blog **Caridad..'s Website **Newsletter Group **Enter My Contest! **THE CALLING Series **Publishers Marketplace
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My Interests

writing, cooking, gardening, traveling, sky diving sans parachute (nah, not the last one but I wanted to see if you were paying attention!) - Extended Network Banner Maker

I'd like to meet:

Check out these cool video trailers! There are more available at Unfortunately it was taking too long to load the Myspace page with all the other videos here as well. You can see the rest by clicking here!

South Beach Chicas Catch Their Man BookPeek

Add to My Profile | More VideosDEATH CALLS is available now! ..DEVOTION CALLS is available now!
DESIRE CALLS is now a free read at!


The Killers, Panic at the Disco, Yellowcard, Switchfoot, Kelly Clarkson, Evanescence, Gloria Estefan. An eclectic mix!




Buffy. Buffy. More Buffy, even sucky Season 7. Lost. Lost. Lost. But I'm feeling LOST in Season 3! Go Kate and Sawyer! House. Veronica Mars, all seasons so far. One Tree Hill, the first season. OC, the first season.


CINDERELLA LOPEZ by Berta Platas 10 STEPS TO BECOMING LATINA by Lara Rios LATINO WISDOM by Cathy Areu GLORY DAYS by Irene Peterson TALK GERTIE TO ME by Lois Winston DIVAS DON'T YIELD by Sofia Quintero Anything by JD ROBB Anything by Kim Harrison or Kelley Armstrong


Superman. Batman. Buffy. Gloria Estefan. My mom. My daughter when she's not being a terrible teen. My husband in a good mood.

My Blog

I'm back from RT and back on Romance Novel Television

RT was a blast, but I'm glad to be back. The exciting news for today is that Part 2 of my interview is up at Romance Novel Television. You can also click on this link in case you can't see the video...
Posted by Caridad Pineiro on Thu, 03 May 2007 10:46:00 PST

Blogging this week and the RT Convention!

Just wanted to drop you a line to let you know I'm blogging this week with my friends Marta Acosta and Tempest Knight.Drop by THE BITING EDGE today for some fun. The link is
Posted by Caridad Pineiro on Mon, 23 Apr 2007 06:29:00 PST

Wicked Delights with Dr. Charley Ferrer and Fruta Extrana

Wicked is vampire bites. Wicked is exploring 50 Ways to Please Your Lover. Wicked is research that takes you beneath the covers. Wicked is food that entices the senses and enhances your pleasure.Wh...
Posted by Caridad Pineiro on Wed, 21 Mar 2007 05:25:00 PST

Caridad's March Newsletter

SOME FUN THINGS ARE HAPPENING IN MARCH!I hope you enjoyed February with the ongoing blog comment contest and the big special Valentine's Day contest. Congrats to PamK and RobynL who were the lucky wi...
Posted by Caridad Pineiro on Wed, 07 Mar 2007 06:07:00 PST

Special Guest Blogger, Marcela Landres, Editorial Consultant

Earlier in the year, the NJ Romance Writers had Marcela Landres do a workshop and as always, Marcela gave us some great points on improving our work.Well, Marcela is going to be a guest blogger all ne...
Posted by Caridad Pineiro on Thu, 22 Feb 2007 06:09:00 PST

Win a dinner with Caridad Pineiro in Houston!

Post a comment on the Special Dinner with RT blog before midnight EST on April 15th and you could be one of three lucky fans who gets to share a marvelous dinner with Caridad and some special fans!Din...
Posted by Caridad Pineiro on Mon, 19 Feb 2007 03:49:00 PST

Special Valentine's Day Contest and Some Exciting News!

DON'T MISS MY SPECIAL VALENTINE'S DAY BLOG! To celebrate Valentine's Day, I asked some of my friends to fill in the following blanks:Love is . . .Sexy is . . . I will post their answers tomorrow on my...
Posted by Caridad Pineiro on Tue, 13 Feb 2007 04:59:00 PST

Caridad Pineiro's February Newsletter and Contests

SOME FUN NEW THINGS ARE HAPPENING STARTING IN FEBRUARY! What's new? For starters, I've been asked to participate in a special vampire anthology to be released in December from Silhouette Nocturne. T...
Posted by Caridad Pineiro on Mon, 05 Feb 2007 05:44:00 PST

December Newsletter

2007 is here and with it a lot of great things happening, both personally and professionally. Professionally, I've got a whopping 6 releases, including a free novella at Plus, I'm wo...
Posted by Caridad Pineiro on Wed, 03 Jan 2007 07:09:00 PST

Fashion Friday Tips by Samantha at Caridad's Blog

Come check out Samantha's new Fashion Friday column at my blog! Here's a link to the first entry:
Posted by Caridad Pineiro on Fri, 08 Dec 2006 05:44:00 PST