UCS profile picture


...::: Ufficio Controllo del Suono :::...

About Me

UCS get together in April 2004, when Andrea gets in touch with Davide, Mattia and Ivan replying to their add about a drummer wanted. UCS story starts with a lucky coincidence. When the three meet Andrea they will obviously begin with some covers (R.E.M., Pearl Jam and Timoria) but in less than a month of work they begin to develop their own original songs, leaving behind the initial covers. The Live production of the band develops slowly and it will take them to play in several pubs of the Riviera for some of their friends. In October 2004 UCS already have about ten sketches in progress and it is given them the chance to record a Demo under a small but highly productive label: La Piattaforma. This choice will turn out as quite premature since the songs are still in a pretty rough form and the band does not have yet enough connection and understanding to record. The sounds quality is also quite poor, we must say It is, after all, a good experience for the UCS that have now a Demo which will give them the chance to introduce themselves to a real audience rather than to friends. One of the most important dates for the band is the X Ray in Forlì, where they compete for the Piceno On The Rock Award. Out of all this they will get new ideas and the right energy to carry on. The following summer (2005) UCS manage to record a proper Demo in some friends studio, Alessandro, Diego and Gianmatteo. The band has finally reached the connection needed order to achieve the goals. Goals that will come at the end of the summer. UCS face and get over some internal tensions basically due to personal lifes issues of some of the four. Well, as people say: What does not kill us will make us stronger. And the band will go on in its own way. The last important date for the UCS will be March the 4th 2006 at the Velvet Rock Club. This will also be their last performance as a band of four. Mattia will be no longer part of the band. Andrea, Ivan and Davide have now to get used to be a group of three. Once overcome the last events, they will carry on writing new songs with a new sound and performing live. Somethinw was missing, so in september 2007 they decided to introduce again a second guitar player...they find not only a guitar player but "Gusbert", a man who can do any kind of noise and sound you want, with his synth and his guitar! So, a new sound is coming into UCS's songs...

Myspace Layouts at Pimp-My-Profile.com / Solitary

My Interests


Member Since: 6/28/2006
Band Website: ucsonline.it
Band Members: Ivan: Guitar & Voice....Davide: Bass...Andrea: Drums...Gusbert (Andrea): Guitar and synth...
Influences: Indie and Alternative rock/pop music
Sounds Like: Ostacle 1 LiveMusa LiveIt's an indefinite kind or music our music may change depending on the periods and the music we listened to, with different hints from the New Wave of the Smiths, to a brit-pop better not identified to all that move in the orbit under the sky of the Indie and the alternative music and a lot a lot other.
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Record Label: None
Type of Label: None

My Blog

New UCS CD is coming...!

If you want to buy the last UCS CD send an e-mail to andrea@ucsonline.it
Posted by UCS on Wed, 17 Jan 2007 05:34:00 PST