..me huh? check out
I was just a regular girl who wore glasses and liked drawing- til one day i was bitten by a radioactive spider-
the next morning i woke up to discover i'd inadvertently gained super powers... What?? NO, i am just a girl... but with an active imagination...
I'm Emily in black jeans & old band t-shirts, STEREO ON! Busy busy, but if i get a few minutes to spare, i'm in beanbag with sketchbook or stories.. messing with mates, with fire-poi at night. I'm mostly in my studio: making stuff! and singing to cds..
Onstage or all dressed up, i have been a few characters: Red, Minxie, Miss Red Flaminxie.. roving performances, dancing, climbing, crawling, tumbling... falling. I am always a bit of each.
Emily Loves puzzles but not confusion... Likes eyeliner on boys but thinks long nails are just yuk.. Actually really enjoys being stuck indoors on stormy days often talks about herself in third person... Animal print.. A tattoo or two... Did i mention music?!!
Yummy food makes me happy, Japanese & Shanghai Dumpling House, Vic market American doughnuts..... Popcorn and horror! b-grade, black& white, splatterfests, ghouls, ghosts, crazy experiments gone horribly awry..
[MANY] little obsessions, (I'm lucky he finds my compulsive behaviour cute)
For over 10years, Ive been saying i wanna learn cello but never have!..
Cannot focus on one thing... Jack-of-all trades creative. Having too much fun so do everything from patternmaking to performance!
If its something creative and i havent done it, i probably wanna do it! =)
em is 64% Obsessive