Ava Jinx profile picture

Ava Jinx

When they kick open your front door, how you gonna come, with your hands on your head or on the trig

About Me


"You have your way. I have my way. As for the right way, the correct way, the only way, it does NOT exist." -Nietzsche.****** "You know your the shit when people you don't know, hate you" -Paris Hilton Allow me to take you through a few of the basics, kittens. My name is Ava Jinx and I am a Vintage/Pin-up and Fashion model based in Melbourne, Australia. The following little nuggets of information will probably give you all you need to know about me in a nutshell - When I was the ripe old age of six I took my favourite movie into Show and Tell for the day - (My favourite movie being 'Westworld' - If you haven't seen it or heard of it before I strongly suggest hiring it out or buying it. VERY good) - suffice to say the teacher decided that it wasn't appropriate viewing for my fellow six year olds. I remember being very confused as to why this was exactly and going home in a complete sulk. I'm the kind of girl who is very easily swayed by her surroundings. I love nothing more than to walk alone through strange alley ways listening to my favourite albums, letting my mind wander and my body tingle with goosebumps. I adore things like hedge mazes, peacocks -(I hope to own my very own someday. Like the late great Hunter.S - the lucky bastard had a whole flock of them on his ranch) lakes with lillypads and big bridges stretching across them and weeping willows lining the bank. I also adore the City. The bright neon signs, the smoke and noise ... the random loons you find wandering the streets (Yes, I'm one of them) I'm all about extreme's in life. DON'T give me the middle-ground. DON'T give me the grey matter. In short - don't BORE me and everything will work out just fine. I am an all or nothing kind of girl. Either I am in a position to give my all and beyond that or I won't bother at all. While I am very much femme in all aspects I have a side that is very interested in what most people would be quick to label the 'darker' things in life - like forensic science and psychology/pathology. I collect books on such subjects and am fascinated by the psychology that makes up your average serial killer. I studied Forensic Science for a while a few years back. I'm a bit of a Chameleon. I have each of my toes in a different pool, it seems. I have a very dark/dirty sense of humour that often causes people to shoot me odd looks. I'm rather addicted to chocolate self-saucing puddings. I have a very short fuse when it comes to un-original types who stalk people and attempt to do the 'sloppy seconds' copy-cat type of thing, - if you've ever done this I suggest getting off my page now and walking into busy traffic. I like to think my work speaks for itself, so if you're curious about anything else take a look at my gallery, xox *I SUPPORT, MODEL, HOST, OR PERFORM FOR THE FOLLOWING BRILLIANT PHOTOGRAPHERS, LABELS AND EVENTS <3 ! PLEASE CHECK THEM OUT!*
What has me currently dying of laughter?

My Interests

Me and my one and only partner in crime and my favourite grrrrrrl ever, Mishella xox Holly!Bridget!Kendra! Vintage/Retro Clothing & Lingerie - Burleqsue/Vaudeville - Pin up girls of the 30's 40's & 50's - Stockings - High Heels - Red lipstick - Chanel perfume - Alberto Vargas - Art deco architecture and artworks - Art nouveau - Paris - Milan - London - Marilyn Monroe - Louise Brooks - Gypsy Rose Lee - Grace Jones - Long island ice tea - Dirty Martinis - Cherry coke - Geisha - Rose gardens - Hedge Mazes - Mansions - Velvet drapes - Incense - Spice - The Orient - British india - Marshmellows - Marie Antoinette - Fireplaces - The countryside - The smell of freshly cut grass - The smell of rain on concrete - Swans - Lakes - Weeping willows trees - Helmut Newton - Wandering alley ways with portishead in my ears - Love - Passion - Vintage shops/Op Shops -

I'd like to meet:

Noel (from The Mighty Boosh), Barry Humphries, Bryan Ferry, Dita Von Teese (again), and any un-suspecting palace/manor house owner who's willing to give me their keys for a day and turn their back while I change the locks and move on in...


Portishead, Bryan Ferry / Roxy Music, Nick Cave and The Badseeds, Pulp/Jarvis Cocker, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Interpol, Massive Attack, M.I.A, The Dandy Warhols, Jeff Buckley, The Cure, Depeche Mode, Adam and The Ants, Pet Shop Boys, The Beatles, Siouxsie and The Banshee's, Tori Amos, Blondie, Billy Idol, PJ Harvey, Fiona Apple, Blur, Pink Floyd, The Doors, Led Zepplin, Jimi Hendrix, The Cult, Ultravox, Madness, Prodigy, Death in Vegas, Primal Scream, Backyard Babies, Motley Crue, L.A Guns, Joy Division, The Stray Cats, The Stranglers, Aphex Twin,


Westworld, Sweeney Todd, James Bond movies (ORIGINALS), Evil Dead / Evil Dead 2 / Army of Darkness, Fear and Loathing In Las Vegas, The Libertine, Interview With The Vampire, Bram Stokers Dracula, Seven, Girl Interrupted, The Wall, Willard, True Romance, Wild at Heart, Kill Bill 1 & 2, Amelie, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Friday The 13th, Silence of The Lambs, Fight Club, The Crow, The Snowman (BBC kids), Charlie and The Chocolate Factory, Natural Born Killers, Beetlejuice, Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgendy, Edward Scissorhands, Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, Drop Dead Fred, Pirates of The Carribean, Memoirs of a Geisha, The Lion The Witch and The Wardrobe (BBC version), Aliens, Hellraiser - Hellraiser 2 - Hellraiser: Hell On Earth - Hellraiser: Bloodline, Gremlings/Gremlings 2, From Hell, The Ninth Gate, House On Haunted Hill, Ace Ventura Pet Detective, Night of The Living Dead, Dawn of The Dead, Shaun of The Dead, Alice In Wonderland, Quills, 8mm, Monty Python and The Holy Grail / Meaning of Life / Life of Brian,


Reeves and Mortimer, The Mighty Boosh, Fawlty Towers, Father Ted, Black Adder, The Young Ones, The Office, Monty Pythons Flying Circus, Ab Fab, Men Behaving Badly, Black Books, IT Crowd, Big Train. Girls of the playboy mansion, Sex and The City, Seinfeld, Curb Your Enthuasiasm, 21 Jump Street, Married With Children, Kenny VS Spenny. Family Guy. The Simpsons. Futurama. South Park. Count Duckula.


ALL Bukowski titles <3 ALL Hunter S Thompson titles <3 ALL Terry Pratchett titles <3 & Clive Barker. YOU CAN FIND ME IN - Head to Faster Pussycat or Polyester and grab a copy today!!


I salute and adore each of the following real-life wonders and fictional characters xoxox

My Blog

lou lou bob, here I come

*taps nose* I've decided to lop off my long locks. (that I've had/been growing for almost 8 years now!)... I'm going for a bob do, a'la 1920's style, and I'm oh so excited about it. ! Actually, ...
Posted by Ava Jinx - The Freckled Doll on Mon, 28 May 2007 12:34:00 PST

On the balcony in the sunshine ...

Posted by Ava Jinx - The Freckled Doll on Tue, 19 Dec 2006 08:54:00 PST

Some new-ish pics :)

I'm such a geek ... ...-laughs-
Posted by Ava Jinx - The Freckled Doll on Fri, 15 Dec 2006 08:52:00 PST