Life, Liberty & the pursuit of Happiness
Shakira, Julieta Venegas, Soraya, India, Paulina Rubio, Alejandra Guzman, Maruja, Belanova, Laura Pausini, Y Usted senora
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Machinery's Handbook 26th Edition, Dante's Inferno(The Divine Comedy),
JESUS CHRIST,Yahweh,Jehovah, Allah, Buddha, Siva, Morrigan, Athena,Poseidon,Hades, Richard J. Gallagher Jr., Col. Vincent J. Wargo,Francis Xavier Gallagher, Ben Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Commodore Barry from Wexford, Michael Collins, Bobby Sands, All the Ancient Order of Hibernians who were martyred on the "Day of the Rope", Issac Newton, Albert Einstein, Louis Pasteur, Galileo,Ted Roosevelt, Harry S Truman,Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, William Shakespeare, Goeffrey Chaucer, (San)Pedro Albizu Campos, Ernesto "CHE" Guevera de la Serna (¡EL CORAZON DE REVOLUCION)