I'm interested in a lot I've decided :) From writing to graphics. I find fun in so many things. I'm writing a novel and making cover art. While making time for family and silly stuff :D like myspacing. I spend most my time on Romance Divas best forum on the web! Come back to see what I've been into :D
Myspace Codes: MyNiceSpace.com
Divas of course!!
ALABAMA!! Yep that covers it :D (ok I like other stuff, but it's not worth mentioning ;) )
I love movies! 80s movies were the best, but I drive Dh crazy with my love of old musicals :D Fred Astaire is one of my favorite actors- I could watch him dance forever!My newer movies include all the Harry Potter except 3- man they screwed it up LOL and The National Treasure both 1 and 2 are great favorites of mine. I like Nichols Cage in most movies, except that hell one. Oh well. We love Gone in 60 Seconds that he's also in. Books and movies- a topic that for me never ends :DI loved these internet videos! So I had to include them!! Love Numa Numa!! Oh I love the way the sun moves on this clip! I would love to go on the road like this! I am Nightprowler"s Daughter. :D
TV is recently HOT. Pay the writers people!! I'm currently LOVING UGLY BETTY. ABC is HOT HOT this year. Dancing with the Stars is great too. I can miss the other shows, but ABC is my fav station right now.
By: ProfileJewels.net
To numberous to mention them all! Fav authors include: Nora Roberts, Cassidy Kent, Eden Bradley, T. Sue VerSteeg, Gemma Halliday and countless others.
Randy Owens, he inspires me.
What Kind of a Writer Are You?
You are an old soul writer--neither a pantser (who writes by the seat of her pants) nor a plotter (who plots out a book before writing it). You're a person who values serendipity and spontaneity, but also realizes the benefit of having an idea where a story is going before you write it. You may make up an outline or have a plan for a book, and write something totally different, but that's OK. You're not comfortable writing without having at least some idea of where the story is going, but you also like the freedom to change the story from what you originally planned. You're a born writer who realizes the value of serendipity.
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