Danny Fontaine And The Horns Of Fury profile picture

Danny Fontaine And The Horns Of Fury

We need a trumpet player. ***APPLY WITHIN***

About Me

You got here. Well done. Danny Fontaine And The Horns Of Fury welcome you unconditionally. Well. Conditionally. Enjoy our page. It's well bum. Send us a message or we'll kill you.Click 'ere for yer (late) 'Orns Kruzmiss Kard....
Our E.P.'s are now available!! You can buy online or in-store from Banquet Records for the minuscule price of £3!! There's 15 minutes of Epic Death Ska on each. They'll give you the actual CD with the artwork etc. If you want it signed then drop us a line...!
If you're more of a virtual kinda kid, then buy our mp3's for £0.79 at 7 Digitals Indie Store! Click here:
Hear an extra track here....
or here - whatever floats your horn:
What they look like...
Seven brave men are currently making waves around London. All seven sing and (try to) dance; four on Horns, a big man on bass, a small man on drums and an average sized, golden bearded, man on guitar. Yeah?
The band has performed in many prominent venues around London and the South of England, and is developing a strong following through its energetic and highly entertaining live act. The band, to this date, have released two E.P’s: ‘Murder Suite,’ and ‘El Bomb.’Danny Fontaine And The Horns Of Fury have been described as:
- Circus Ska
- Russian Freakshow
- Death Ballad
- Weird Drunk
- Cowboy Vent and
- Hirsute Rock...and have been likened to Queen , The Clash, The Beach Boys and Muse. The band formed at the beginning of 2006.
HEY!!!! If you're bored, why not make us a poster? We need lots for our lots-of-gigs, and we accept ****ANYTHING****. From anyone. Even children and animals. But especially children. And animals.
Or, you can just send us a message and we promise we'll write back!

My Interests


Member Since: 6/27/2006
Band Website: Looks like we're living with this one for now..!
Band Members:

Live at Trashville - "Macaroni Cheese (A Recipe For Destruction)"Our ol' chums and fellow Kingston ska band The FGC, made a music video for their wonderful track 'The Radical Pirate' and decided to feature DF and The Horns Of Fury as special guest stars - see what yer think..!!!HEY, so here's a film. It's pretty hot. Directed and produced than none other than our very own TMAG (He's not a pervert cos it's his nephew apparently):

Here's a short film by Ashley "Griff" Ghent....

Queen, The Beach Boys, the Clash, Klezma music, Tom Waits, Weezer, Barbershop, MU330, Ralph Stanley, Bluegrass music, Ivor Cutler, Rancid, Dexys Midnight Runners, Bob Dylan, They Might Be Giants, Johnny Cash, Green Day, Pink Floyd, David Bowie, anything with harmonies and weird stuff and epic songs with a death wish.

Sounds Like:

I ordered my copy of 'Murder Suite' from www.banquetrecords.com yesterday and it only cost £3 (and an extra 50p posting). The CD arrived this morning and I'm listening to it now. Listening to this has enabled me to face up to and overcome all of life's challenges, that had previously overwhelmed me. As a result of this incredible purchase my life is now perfect!!! Thank you DFATHOF - you are gods!
Neil Saxby of Slough

El Bomb
"Danny Fontaine and the Horns of Fury claim to have been likened to Queen, The Clash, The Beach Boys and Muse. Rather impressive claims. I must say, out of that list, I can only really hear The Clash, however, of course that is not a critisism.The lead singer certainly sounds a little like Strummer, at least. The most enjoyable song on "El Bomb" is probably "Macaroni Cheese," a ska smirk-mongerer not unlike some of the work of The Specials. Again, clearly not a critisism.They're very strong musicians, and I would be shocked if they weren't brilliant live."
Subcity Radio

Murder Suite
"Is it true that they only come out at night? Do they really drink the blood of the regulars? Whatever you’ve heard, prepare for all your fears to be realised. Danny Fontaine and The Horns of Fury are here to take no prisoners, and they rock stylishly while doing so. A strange subject, Mr. Fontaine lays his shaky vocals over an aural landscape painted by clamorous guitars, funky brass and theatrical percussion, mixing this odd elixir of Queen, Space and The Clash with a fiery fervor and determined moxie."
Bruce Turnball. God Is In The TV www.godisinthetvzine.co.uk

Murder Suite
"Looking like Rasputin and having access to a horn section should not automatically give you the right to be in a band and release records. But we live in a world where people who are 'different' aren't clubbed mercilessly about the head, then left out in the snow or put into a freakshow to be pointed and laughed at. It's not my world, so don't blame me for these deficiencies. I have to live here too.
Which brings us to the mad honkings of Danny Fontaine & The Horns Of Fury. Some things are irrefutable. They are led by a bloke calling himself Danny Fontaine and the horns certainly seem quite angry about something. So I can't argue about the billing. I was also more amused by a trombone player called Tom Bone than I should have been. But it's been a slow week, and it's still funnier than anything on BBC3. Oh, yes, and they play music.
Mad as a very mad bloke going a bit mad music, but music, nonetheless. Imagine Tom Waits on speed jamming with Fishbone, and you won't be too far off the mark. You're also eligible to read Mojo magazine, thanks to your cultural reference recognition, but I'd keep quiet about that if I were you.
The three track "Murder Suite" is something you will only want to play under certain circumstances. You may be trying to drive someone insane. You may be trying to have yourself certified insane. You may already be insane. But I say this with love. It's not like madness is necessarily a bad thing. Unless it's the chopping people up and wearing the bones as epaulettes madness. That's bad. As far as I know, Danny Fontaine and the Horns of Fury don't indulge in the latter, so that's OK. It's also a thousand times more fun to listen to than most of the skinny white boy indie keech that arrives at my door.
Well done for that, but don't pay me a visit anytime soon."
ZEITGEIST - http://www.zeitgeist-scot.co.uk/

Murder Suite
This is a three track demo from Danny Fontaine and the way too long name. It's mainly a mix of Gogol Bordello style gypsy punk and ska. Cool and swinging, funny and happy, but not a record that sticks out in any way. I guess this band is really, really great live and with some more experience they will for sure write some good songs.
Lowcut Magazine

“Danny Fontaine and the Horns of Fury are the perfect antidote to skinny-jeaned, talentless Shoreditch posers. To see a band enjoying themselves so much on a stage is refreshing, and it brings a great energy to any crowd. They have a Tom Waits-ish drawl combined with a sort of Gogel Bordello enthusiasm. They look great, sound fantastic, have a fresh new sound, they don’t take themselves too seriously and have a kinda real ‘fuck you all’ attitude that sends the crowd wild. They are orchestral ska gypsy vikings and will go far. Buy their records, book them for gigs and suck ‘em off backstage!!!!! THEY ROCK....”

Danny Fontaine & The Horns Of Fury Present Murder Suite
We’ve had Gypsy Punk from the superb Gogol Bordello which has inevitably opened the floodgates for all those other gypsy-genre-straddling bands to come out of the woodwork and find fame and fortune. Danny Fontaine & The Horns Of Fury are the first of, I’m sure, many Gypsy ska bands to unleash themselves on our fragile ears. They are, of course, bonkers and therefore a great amount of fun. The have a slower pace than Gogol, plus, as you’d expect, plenty of Horns. The songs meander all over the place, and pay homage to roughly 7000 different genres of music. In order to create a listenable “comedy” band, they have the required genuine talent & songwriting skills. This three track CD is enjoyable, but to fully appreciate the band, I think you’d have to see them live. Something I’ll make sure I’ll do as soon as possible.

Danny Fontaine And The Horns Of Fury ARE BUZZIN!

"It's like Moulin Rouge"

"They sound like the end of the world."
Record Label: **APPLY WITHIN**
Type of Label: None

My Blog

MAN DOWN!! Anyone play trumpet?! ***Apply within***

Twas a grey day for The Horns Of Fury yesterday, as it's longest serving horn Quit The Band. Griff played trumpet. He also hammered nails up his nose with his shoe and made chainmail. He will be sorel...
Posted by Danny Fontaine And The Horns Of Fury on Fri, 11 Jan 2008 06:04:00 PST


YO DOLLSNATCH!So, here at DFATHOFHQ, we have a lot of pride in the artwork that we use to promote ourselves and our gigs. We've been extremely lucky to have artists such as The 5683, Will Exley, Archb...
Posted by Danny Fontaine And The Horns Of Fury on Sun, 30 Dec 2007 02:54:00 PST

Please Help The 5683!!!

Please Vote for everyone's favourite artist The 5683 in an online sticker comp. It's just one click, no signups etc and check out the drawing he's done..!!! If you're not familiar with his work, just ...
Posted by Danny Fontaine And The Horns Of Fury on Tue, 27 Nov 2007 05:43:00 PST

DFATHOF On The Radio Tonight!

It's true, Danny Fontaine And The Horns Of Fury will be played on the evening show tonight (9-11pm) on Cur 1350 (click it to hear it, yo!!!!!!!).They just won Best UK Student Radio Station of 2007, an...
Posted by Danny Fontaine And The Horns Of Fury on Sun, 18 Nov 2007 09:20:00 PST

DFATHOF On The Radio!!!!

Yup, it's true. Alex Airnes is playing 'Thursday Morning' on Nevis Radio sometime around the 26th November!Check it: Nevis Radio is Lochaber's very own radio station broadcasting 24 hours a day from F...
Posted by Danny Fontaine And The Horns Of Fury on Wed, 07 Nov 2007 09:38:00 PST


We want reviews. We want YOU to review us. You can tell us how shit we are if you like, but whatever you write will be published on our page with a credit to you. If you're interested get in touch, an...
Posted by Danny Fontaine And The Horns Of Fury on Sat, 27 Oct 2007 05:13:00 PST


Whooopdy doo, we got through the semi finals of the battle of the bands at the peel last night, so now it's all sweat and tears until the final on the 23rd November. It was definitely one of the more ...
Posted by Danny Fontaine And The Horns Of Fury on Sat, 27 Oct 2007 05:07:00 PST

You help us, we help you (***FREE STUFF!!!!***)

hello again, Freckles. So yeah. We're not that big. But we wanna be. Howdwe do that? Promotion, baby. Put us in your top friends, put a banner on your page, just TELL someone about us, and we shall re...
Posted by Danny Fontaine And The Horns Of Fury on Mon, 22 Oct 2007 12:25:00 PST


Let us know what yous think, yo..! All photos by Alex Bailey - www.myspace.com/trash4130...
Posted by Danny Fontaine And The Horns Of Fury on Sun, 14 Oct 2007 05:26:00 PST


So I just re-uploaded ALL our songs, PLUS 1 extra!! Gay Good ol' Tom! Gave us a Gaybie freebie!All are now fully mixed and MASTERED, so they should actually sound better. If they sound worse then I sh...
Posted by Danny Fontaine And The Horns Of Fury on Wed, 10 Oct 2007 01:56:00 PST