Get Your Own! | More Flash ToysSkiing, Music and dancing...lots of dancing, Concerts and Shows, Movies, Beer, Pubs, and Pool, Chocolate, Poetry, Art, English Lit, SciFi/Fantasy, Horseback Riding, Walks that resemble odysseys and the Cafes I find along the way. Specialty's Cookies...cookies in general.
Kermit vs. Cookie Monster
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Block Parties and Street Fairs - especially fairs that involve strolling around and drinking wine, The Opera, Musicals, Plays, I love, love, love the ocean. I like Boogie Boarding, swimming, tubing and kayaking - granted its an inflatable kayak, but it was the only one I could find that the dog would fit in, My Scooter, Kilts and the men in them,And other gorgeous things...
Bright Witty People
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I'm going to Coachella!! n=7832c8f1396083371430b0de8d432403
Currently - Batman, V for Vendetta, Until The End of the World, Tombstone, Legend, The English Patient, Lawrence of Arabia, Ever After, 10th Kingdom, And pretty much anything Shakespeare.
My closet obsession...Asian soap operas and game shows; )
The Alexandria Quartet, Le Morte d'Arthur, Pride and Prejudice, Sense and Sensibility, The Aeneid, The Art of War, Ender's Game, Snow Crash, Rebecca, Mill on the Floss, The Black Company, The Nichomachean Ethics, Shakespeare's Sonnets, From Socrates to Sartre, etc.
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