Pirates and princesses, ghosts and ghouls, cats and bats, witches and brooms, doctors and nurses, cowboys and Indians, Uncle Sam and The Statue of Liberty, candy and pumpkins, parrotheads and headbangers, just about anything you and yours could ever imagine to disguise yourself as or for the kids to play in can be found in our location nearest you!!!
Halloween Express is one of the most dynamic seasonal franchises in the industry. We had our best year ever in the 2006 Halloween season with over 140 stores in 30 states plus Puerto Rico. We expect the upcoming 2007 season to be even better.In keeping with our goal to become the largest seasonal Halloween franchise, we are aggressively pursuing new territories nationwide. If you have the desire to be your own boss, without many of the daily frustrations a permanent business brings, then a Halloween Express franchise may be your answer.If you'd like more information on the Halloween Express opportunity, please send us an email. Be sure to include your name, phone number and complete mailing address. We will mail out an informational packet.
Those ghoulish Halloween tunes you can hear playing in any of our locations during the Halloween season. The finishing touch to set that spooky mood like, Midnight Syndicate's spooky sounds. Check out our Slipknot and Dee Snider costume collections!!
Classic Horror, New Horror, Cartoons, any of your favorite silver screen characters can be found at Halloween Express!!
Super Heros, SNL, classic sitcoms, Saturday morning cartoons any charater on the good ole boob tube can be found at Halloween Express!!
Fariy tales, knights in shining armor, nursery rhymes brgn your imagination to life with our variety of costume collections.
All of those ghouls and gals that are inspired by and inspire the Halloween spirit!