R/C Electronics - Building machines out of junk ;)
Robotics - Anti Gravity - Lasers - Lighting SFX - Video Games (but not all the time) - Having lots of fun lol." ! Warning this may contain
*Thinks* anyone! And no i'm not a strange person i'm just looking for some more people in my area that like to hang out and goto bars or others and have funAlso for Synetic they are now preforming Faust!!
****Welcome to Synetic**** Synetic Theatre*****Endless Reasons on Pure Volume***** Hey you can also listen to my music on this site too PV wow!!!
I'm a Composer/Musician and for anyone on XM Radio i'm their too... You can check out the link marked Endless Reasons and listen for your selfAaron's Music Endless Reasons and2nd site Endless Reasons 2nd site
House of a 1000 corpes - Rose Red - The Crow - The Craft - LOTR - Gothika - Evil dead 1&2 - Army of Darkness - Hellboy - Boondock Saints - Bothers Grimm - Powder - Willow and Eragon was kool and others the have dead people running around LMAO
Anything thats on that interests me mostly Adult Swim - History Ch - Discovery Ch.
Aaron's Poetry Corner
i speak gaelic.....lol
Go n-eithe na peisteoga thu
"Go n-eithe na peisteoga thu" "but your going to have to figure it out for yourself mahaha
You Are A Rowan Tree
You are full of charm and cheer. You light up a room.
And while you crave attention, you do it without ego.
You are an interesting mix of contradictions - and very unpredictable.
You are both dependent and independent, calm and restless.
You are passionate, emotional, gregarious, and (at times) unforgiving.
What's Your Celtic Horoscope?
Edgar allen poe! - Just Histroical books - Symbol books - Altering Dreams - Mechanics - Nora Roberts - AnythingTBM Blue Video
Table of Magickal Correspondences 7 - Planets?
:also the link here is for AE the best riggers in the local area!!
AE Mitchell & Co. Inc. - Theatrical Rigging and Draperies
My very supported family, including everyone i have known.
Here's an animated version of my dog dax!!!