Lets see....here goes if your interested....I'm 5 foot 7 inches, quite tall for a woman I suppose, I have blonde hair which is natural and I describe it as straw LOL, it's quite dark underneath and very light on the top, a right mixture of blondeness, I have very unusual coloured eyes, they kind of look black, but if you look carefully you will see that they are dark green. I have extremely pale skin, I have tried to get a tan and look "healthy" but It's never going to happen LOL, so pasty I'll stay. I have very dark eyebrows and eyelashes, odd with my hair colouring but then it matches me perfectly LOL. I'm not a very thin woman, never have been, not chubby but well built I'd say, I've had 3 children and each has left their mark and I'm proud of that. So along with that comes the mummy tummy and the inevitable wrinkles that time dishes out to you, and it's all fine with me. So all in all a fair description of me I think.
I follow a Wiccan path, I'm a Solitary Wiccan and have never been involved with a Coven, not that there is anything wrong with Covens, I have just never considered joining one, that doesn't mean I know everything there is to know about Wicca, "Does anyone claim to?" but it means I'm learning all the time, and will continue to do so, I don't have fancy Alter tools or elaborate clothing, I use what nature provides me and sometimes I use nothing. I have many other interests and Wicca is a part of my life, just like eating and breathing but there are other aspects to me as well.
I have often read other peoples opinions on how you should follow Wicca, To me there is NO wrong or right way to do this, If you want elaborate tools, clothing and Alters, if you want to call yourself "Wolfgirl, Black Raven etc" If you want to dress like a Gothic witch, then GO AHEAD, I dressed like a Goth for years, still do sometimes, and inbetween I once shaved all my hair off! I don't and never have cared about what other people think of me, even at school I was the odd one who dyes her hair black and listens to that strange music LOL, I love life, I live it to the full and every day is a joy to me, I go for long walks and I really look at the countryside around me, I listen, I take it all in, it's so easy to hurry along with life and miss out on the actual aspect of "living" so don't let anyone try to tell you that your chosen way is wrong! because it's not true, as long as you harm none, then do as you will. Blessed Be.
I'm a Pisces
The Piscean is a gentle, dreamy, spiritual, easygoing and absolutely charming person– they are extremely imaginative, perceptive, and sensitive lovers who tend to form more of a spiritual bond with their lover.Most people find themselves drawn to and extremely attracted to the Piscean, but the Piscean is truly compatible with few. They have intense sensual fantasies and lovemaking is an expression or outlet of their personality so that sex with a Piscean is erotic and pure enjoyment.They are sensitive and psychic towards their lovers desires and needs. They are often artists, and due to their acute sensitivity, tend to retreat from the world around them to safe refuge.Piscean’s tend to inspire others with the depths of their devotion and can often be found on the stage, in politics or religion.The feet are the Pisces erotic zone so by paying gentle massage attention to the toes and arch of the feet will relax and arouse the Piscean’s sexual desire.
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I've never been called normal in my life, a little bonkers, nutty, dizzy, strange, weird. Don't get me wrong though I can be serious when the time calls for it and I'm very analytical, I tend to observe alot, I'm a deep thinker and I need quite times alone sometimes, I'm a loner at heart.
Anyway, who wants to be normal? My favourite sandwiches are curry and chip or Mash Potato and Mushy peas. One of my favourite foods is Honey, lovely sweet, clear honey..very yummy!!
I also love spending time with my beautiful family, holidaying in Cornwall, and my hobby of keeping and showing rabbits. Nothing like spending time pottering about my shed and sitting having a nice cuppa! Also lying on my bed in the dark, lights out and some great music on is a brilliant way to relax, love reading and so far i'm writing two novels when I've nothing else to do in the day. I also play the Piano, self taught, so it's not great, but I'm getting there slowly.
Also my Little Sis Sarah, love her to bits! and the rest of the gang.
Did I mention that I like Shakespeare as well? Also love all things to do with the Weather, I love to cloud watch and if I could go back to school times, I would have studied to become a Meteorologist!....seriously! LOL.
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What Kind of Empath Are You?
created with QuizFarm.com
You scored as Traveler
You are a Traveler Empath, you come from a time & place far removed from here. You are an innocent, in search of your own kin and have a difficult time understanding this world. You are lost & only want to find your way back home. You bring unique gifts to this world and share them with a loving heart. Although very misunderstood, you are also very forgiving. (from the "Book of Storms" by Jad Alexander at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Empaths/)
Fallen Angel