Joel Miller profile picture

Joel Miller

About Me

Hi Everyone,Thank you for visiting my space. Welcome. The best place to find out what I'm up to, find event dates, shows, bio, news, hear new cuts etc. is to go to my website:www.joelmillermusic.comIt's all there.Bio:Joel Miller was born in 1969 and picked up the saxophone at age 10 so he could jam with his older brothers Nate and Andrew. He discovered jazz by listening to his mother's record collection, and staying up late to record Gilles Archambault's ‘Jazz Soliloque’ on CBC Radio-Canada. He moved to Montreal in 1988 to attend McGill University’s music program. After graduating in 1993, Miller attended the Banff Jazz Workshop, immersing himself in the music and teachings of Kenny Wheeler, Chucho Valdés and Pat Labarbera. His first album, 1996’s Find a Way (Page Music), was capped the following year by the Grand Jazz Award at Montreal International Jazz Festival. Since then, Miller has performed numerous concert and club appearances as a leader across North America and Europe.Miller’s eclectic spirit has taken him into myriad musical settings. He has collaborated with Nate Miller (a.k.a. DJ Mercury) and bassist Tommy Babin on the collage-like CD Sky Beneath My Feat (2003); with A.S.A.P (with Christine Jensen, Gossage and Miles Perkin); with the Montreal Saxophone Quartet (Chet Doxas, Remi Bolduc, Eric Hove); with the Fela Kuti tribute band (including saxophonist Jean Derome and guitarist Rainer Wiens, among others); with the Motion Ensemble (with Andrew Miller, Darcy Gray, Nadia Francavilla) and with Danish guitarist Torben Waldorff on tours of Scandinavia. He has also backed vocalists Michael Buble, Denzal Sinclaire, and John Labelle. His Latin-jazz side includes a longtime collaboration with Joé Armando and recent performances with virtuoso bassist Oscar Stagnero, as well as playing with Mozambique musician Zé Maria. In addition to this activity there are Miller’s collaborations with the prominent composer-saxophonist Christine Jensen, his partner.

My Interests


Member Since: 6/25/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: Joel Miller, Bruno Lamarche, Kenny Bibace, Thom Gossage, Bill Mahar, Fraser Hollins
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Mandala with Ardesco

I've been busy creating a new opus for my group Mandala and featuring an 8-piece choir called Ardesco. This is an exciting departure for me as it it is allowing me to focus more deeply on writing lyri...
Posted by Joel Miller on Sat, 08 Mar 2008 12:06:00 PST