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In addition to once having been a bartender, limo driver and overall snowboard bum in Colorado, I used to run an adventure and activities club in Milwaukee that put together 40-60 events each month. The events included vacations, dinners, theater, extreme sports, parties, classes and pretty much anything you can think of. Some of my personal favorites were sky diving (15 jumps), scuba diving (55 dives), get a tattoo night (ended up with 2 from that), rock climbing, concerts, and eating a lot of great food at some amazing restaurants. I've been missing the people and the events so much that I started .
Between 1996 and 2003 I personally planned and hosted over 700 events. Even after all that I'm still quite sure that I haven't done it all and I'm hungry for more. Let me know if there is anything you would like to see on the calendar or if you are interested in running an event yourself as an Event Host.
In March 2004 I ran off to Greece and married Autumn, the love of my life. We stay extremely active attending wine tastings, hiking at Devil's Lake, camping and training for a mini triathalon coming up in July 2005.
Professional Web Design: In the process of building the site I have also found myself in the web design profession. Let me know if you or anyone you know is in need of a site or an upgrade of a current one. Examples of my work are available on request.
..TR> Click for Milwaukee Tribe Events ..TABLE>Many more events are in the works such as comedy shows, dinners, shows, mountian biking, disc golf and nights just hanging out for cocktails. More will be added as the interest grows. Click on the Milwaukee Tribe Events link above to see the current schedule of events and to register for free on the Milwaukee Tribe web site. Your comments and suggestions are always welcome to make this more interesting for all of us.
Links that make life interesting...
Bucketworks is a creative commons: a place where creative people with original ideas come to make things happen with the help of others. Bucketworks provides a variety of resources for your creative growth and expression.
If it's happening in Milwaukee you will most likely find it here.
Natural Path Health Center
A good friend of mine, Dr. Chad runs a natural health clinic in Madison, WI. With a few supplements and a change in diet, his program really helped me get in the best mental shape of my life and I finally lost that 30 lbs. of college beer weight in the process.
Craig's List - Milwaukee
Craig's List has message boards from several cities around the country. Free discussion topics, event posting, classifieds, services, etc...