Hello everyone. Next week we will be having the last Punk Science, on the 18th June (Armed Response Unit, Kuntenstein, The Blankas, Local Mad Man). But never fear, for me and Zak have started up a new thingy called Puss Promos. We're basically doing the same thing as Science but not gonna limit ourselves to one venue. More info look at our page myspace.com/pusspromotions.
Cheers for all the bands that have played for us over the past year, and to Esther and the Green Dragon who have been nice enough to let us use the place.
60 High Street,Croydon, CR0 1NABUSES - 468, 60, 466, 197, n159, n68TRAINS - East Croyon Station is 10 mins away.
Hopefully we'd all (the dj fools running this page) like to have some kind of order AND a blog describing up-coming bands and other such attractions, so stay tuned.