A film student who thinks about going to Iraq, gets to interview a disillusioned self destructive mercenary for his film school documentary.
The mercenary lets him interview him while he is on the move in the city. The student then realises the mercenary is back in the uk to stage an attack on a city building in 24 hours.
The film student then gets seduced to video the whole mission. He gets thrown into the thick of an Iraq style attack. An experience thats very different from his military video games.
The mercenary has recruited dysfunctional ex soldiers, mercenaries for a revenge mission on the security contractor that led his men to death in Iraq.
This dirty dozen style team are prepared to die on this job, because it's the only job they know, and because it's the first time they have fought for a just cause in a while.
Visit the website at http://www.wild-dogs.co.uk/