Music, my amazing friends, my very tight and completely crazy family, my band "Live Not On Evil", my store "Crash Bang Boom", Revelations, Vodka, Painting, Team Trouble, Ice Hockey, the end of the world, my kitchen table at 4am, Quebec, 4th Street Philly, my stupid dog Kato, and of course Fire Taxi
There are angels whose only job is to
make sure you don't get too comfortable & fall asleep & miss your life, and then there are demons whose only job is to make sure they eat you alive as soon as you fall asleep.
Like this guy
my roommate Kato Fugimoto
The Voluptious Horror of Karen Black, 45 Grave, Cheap Trick, Tom Jones, Cromags, Pitch Black, The Horrors, Janes Addiction, Big Black, Sparks, Ministry, Killing Joke, The Damned, Radio One, Les Savy Fav, Trouble Every Day, Bauhaus, Pistols, Clash, Zee Docta, Mozart, Steven Tyler, my brother Tom, and my guilty pleasures like Abba and She Wants Revenge.
The Exorcist, It's A Wonderfull Life (same movie different format)
Do they still make that?
Catcher in the Rye, Music for Chamelions, One Hundred years of Solitude, Mother Night, Treason, Tough Guys of Pro Hockey
Andrea Collins-Smith, ...and a bunch of people who would probably make you really mad, unless you really got to know them.
And this guy
Doctor Doom RIP