Internationally Reknowned 80's Hair Band
Tongue 'N Cheek is a Wheeling-based show band, tributing the great rock music of the 80s! The hair-band era has come and gone, and was the butt of jokes for years. But as mainstream rock has evolved from grunge to post-grunge to the current Nickleback era, a great nostalgia has erupted for a time when rock music was one big party! Tongue 'N Cheek is a celebration of that era. "80s Metal" has become an all-encompassing term for seemingly anything with a heavy guitar riff from that era, involving everything from Metallica and Anthrax to Judas Priest and Firehouse. Tongue 'N Cheek keeps it mainstream. "Only the hits" is one of the TNC mantras. HITS by Bon Jovi, Poison, Def Leppard, Quiet Riot, Motley Crue, Firehouse, Warrant, Skid Row and the like litter the Tongue 'N Cheek set list.
Tongue 'N Cheek puts on a show! It is not a typical four 45-minute sets show. TNC is not a stand-there-bored, inside jokes, entertaining themselves type of band. You can expect a video show (where stage space allows,) balloons, confetti, audience members on stage, full costuming, skits, and more! Clubs, contact us for booking info! Bands, if you want to work with us, let us know (but it has to be a good match!) Folx, if you want to rock back to the most fun era in rock & roll, come and see for yourselves! Tongue 'N Cheek will rock ya!
"Tongue 'N Cheek" first appeared as "The Folk Daddies" in the Haight-Ashbury district of San Francisco in the mid 1970s. Of course, the folk scene was pretty much dead by then, as it had peaked in the late 1960s. But the guys figured that they could don some wigs and tie-dyed shirts and become a folk tribute group. These were some groovy days and the free-love sex parties were all the rage. Featuring songs like "I Love My Neighbor but I love his Wife More," "If I Had A Ball Peen Hammer," and of course the classic "Flowers are for Peace, but they Taste Good When I'm Stoned," The Folk Daddies were able to milk the folk scene for the curious tourists and local burnouts who forgot to move on.
When the Folk Daddies wrapped it up for good with a sold out show at the William R. De Avila Elementary School (well, it was an attendance-mandatory history class,) the Folk Daddies moved to New York in 1985 to become the "Village People Idiots." Seeking to score at least one hit in the disco era, The Idiots doned some afro-wigs and some silk shirts and gold chains to groove the night away. The Idiots recorded the ep "I Like to Eat Popcorn Because it Makes My Fingers Smell Good When I Pick My Nose." Stunned by the lack of critical or commercial success, the Villiage Idiots broke up and didn't speak to each other for several years.
In 1999, original singer Dixy Normus decided to try his hand at country music. He stumbled over Folk Daddies and Village Idiots drummer Dino Valentino. Dino was sleeping on the floor of the Nashville Greyhound bus station and Dixy actually stumbled over him. After spending some time at the Methodone clinic, the two decided to call Buster Hymen and start a country band.
They called this venture "Little Texas Hold'em." LTH played every juke joint, bowling alley, and VFW that would have them. They thought they were really gonna make it when they played the Dr. Pepper Roadhouse in Anchorage, Alaska. The eskimos and Russian fisherman said they had seen nothing like it, and hoped never to again, either. Realizing they had again missed the proverbial boat on the country music scene, LTH had a major storm of an idea... MOVE TO THE MUSICAL HOTBED OF THE COUNTRY -- PITTSBURGH!! After all, if you can make it there, you can make it anywhere. Just ask B.E. Taylor, Donnie Iris, Herman Granatti, Noizy Neighbor, The Clarks, Big Guns, Sabotage, Sleeping Giants, Rusted Root, Screamer, Modern Mann, etc.
All that was missing now was a bass player! After getting and losing bass player after bass player, the guys were desperately searching in the pages of "Fun Bass Player Weekly Magazine" and found the coolest guy in the world looking for an 80s metal tribute band. Dirk Magnum. So barring another freak shaving accident or odd gardening mishap, the line-up is set!! And Tongue 'N Cheek was born!!
So that brings us to "Tongue 'N Cheek!" Sir Dixy Normus on vocals (knighted for his work reforming previous 'Girls Gone Wild' into upstanding young women,) Buster Hymen on lead guitar, Ace Rocketsauce on Rhythm, Dirk Magnum blastin' on bass, and Dino Valentino on drums. TNC is rockin the '80 hair metal scene to no end. Truly a tribute to the greatest hair-a in music, TNC covers Poison, Bon Jovi, Whitesnake, Warrant, Def Leppard, Motley Crue, Quiet Riot, Twisted Sister, and the lot. Coming to a stage near you, a performance that features the music that was fun, some of the cliches that we thought were sooo cool, and surprises every night! Drop us a line and say FUCK YEAH!! Rock out with ya soon!
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