I'd like to meet:
Other gay boxes
1. Don't talk about fight club -
2. See rule 1 -
3. Treat the Gay Box with respect -
"The Gay Box" must be treated with the utmost respect during every moment it is in your posession. While, to most, it may seem nothing more than "stiff" paper, it does have feelings. Oh...does it ever have feelings.
4. The Gay Camera MUST be used -
Included in "The Gay Box" is a limited edition "Gay Camera". It is required that any individual that recieves "The Gay Box", use said camera. There is only one stipulation regarding photos taken by "The Gay Camera": "The Gay Box" must be included somewhere within the photograph. Creativity will earn bonus points towards prizes. Nudity will earn double bonus points towards prizes, as well as cash incentives.
5. Identity documention on the Gay Box -
Any recipient/temporary guardian of "The Gay Box" is required to sign and date said box. Location of documentation is at sole discression of the individual in posession of "The Gay Box" at the time of signing.
6. Intimacy with the Gay Box -
All *intimate contact with "The Gay Box" requires proper protection and following of strict bodily fluid protocols.
*Please note: Intimate contact has been associated with papercuts. Please act responsibly.
7. Gift-giving in conjunction with the Gay Box -
We highly recommend using "The Gay Box", to make the experience of gift-giving, a memorable one. There is not a gift too simple, nor too extravagant, to be given in "The Gay Box". When using "The Gay Box" to give a gift, the recipient must be fully aware that the box is, to then, be passed on to yet another individual. "The Gay Box" is a pay-it-foward scenario. Its journey must never end...as perpetual motion is key to its survival.
8. Destruction/Damage to the Gay Box -
This is a very important rule, as "The Gay Box" is sacred. Any damage incurred during the stay of the box, within an individual's possesion, will be repaired at the offender's cost. Please keep this in mind when leaving "The Gay Box" in reach of pets, small children and pervs. Replacement of "The Gay Box" would be very costly and would be risky, as the "personality" of a new Gay Box may change the karma of this gift-giving phenomenon.
9. Choosing a recipient for the Gay Box -
When choosing a prospective recipient for "The Gay Box", you must take several things into account:
a) the individual's sexual confidence
b) the individual's sense of humor
c) the individual's appreciation of this
Any irresponsibility displayed when choosing a new recipient will be noted and you may have your privelages, regarding "The Gay Box", revoked, as well as extreme disciplinary measures exercised. a.k.a: spanking & duct tape (ponytail elastics not provided)
10. Choosing of a gift to give in the Gay Box -
When choosing the gift, it is essential to select items that will enhance the intimate experience of the next recipient of "The Gay Box". Lack of consideration may cause a flaw in the future space-time continuum.
Some suggestions for potential gifts are:
- Tapioca
- Personal Lubricant
- Porn
- Stove Top Stuffing
- Battery-operated devices
- Anything with flashing lights and/or buttons
- Beads (Mardi Gras, Anal...you choose)
And remember: Only YOU can prevent forest fires
Portia DeRossi - She's the hottest Gay Box around.
Prizes & Cash Incentives:
All photos taken by "The Gay Camera" will be submitted into "The Gay Box" photo contest. Every submission will be carefully examined and judged, based on:
- Originality
- Creativity
- Overall ability to capture the true essence and meaning
of what "The Gay Box" means to you.
"Skimping" or any other activites that show lack of dedication will not be acceptable and will disqualify you from the contest.
Nudity is encouraged and will be awarded additional points towards prizes, as well as cash incentives.