dogs cats and anything with legs. especially dogs.bruce willis, jimmy paige, james brown, ray charles and his sweet ass, ur mom, ur dad, ur grandma, and pretty much anything that isnt mine and belongs to "u". u kno who u r wen u fot that fuckin bear u cock. i am a firm believer that if u like the washington redskins, u r a cock. and fuck u regis philibin with ur toupee and ur little
ppl that dont live in the caves of mayfield, and survivors of the civil war. but most of all David Hasselhoff!
german folk music and a little bit of irish dub
no film 4 me nazi pricks make movies...............fuckin steven speilberg!
i live in a fuckin cave u prick
i dont kno how 2 read................fuckin government
not adolf hitler bc he was the reason for the nazis,but it's definitely david hasselhoff!