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Otros Guerreros del Sueño/Other Dream Warriors and of course Iroquois or Six Nations People for i'm proud to be one of them!
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Jim Thompson, Paul Auster, Schopenhauer, Chester Himes, Murakami Ryu, Amin Maalouf, Khalil Gibran, St Exupery,William Blake, Umberto Ecco........ y por supuesto Todo sobre IFAResources* Chief FAMA Fundamentals of the Yoruba Religion (Orisa Worship) ISBN 0971494908 * Chief FAMA Practitioners' Handbook for the Ifa Professional ISBN 0971494932 * Chief FAMA Fundamentos de la Religion Yoruba (Adorando Orisa) ISBN 0971494967 * Chief FAMA Sixteen Mythological Stories of Ifa (Itan Ifa Merindinlogun) ISBN 096442472X * Chief FAMA FAMA'S EDE AWO (Orisa Yoruba Dictionary) ISBN 0964424789 * Chief FAMA The Rituals (novela) ISBN 0964424770 * Awo Fasina Falade Ifa: The Key to Its Understanding ISBN 0966313232 * Chief Adedoja Aluko The Sixteen (16) Major Odu Ifa from Ile-Ife ISBN 978373766X * C. Osamaro Ibie Ifism the Complete Works of Orunmila ISBN 1890157058 * William R. Bascom: Ifa Divination: Communication Between Gods and Men in West Africa ISBN 0253206383 * William R. Bascom: Sixteen Cowries: Yoruba Divination from Africa to the New World ISBN 0253208475 * Awo Fa'Lokun Fatunmbi Awo: Ifa & the Theology of Orisha Divination ISBN 0942272242 * Iyanifa Ileana S. Alcamo "The Challenge growing within the Orisa Community" ISBN 1890157317 * Hunter-Hindrew, Mamaissii V. Mami Wata: Africa's Ancient God/dess Unveiled. 2nd Edition." ISBN 0-9716245-4-2 * Rosenthal, J. ‘Possession Ecstasy & Law in Ewe Voodoo" ISBN 0-8139-1805-7 Maupoil, Bernard. "La Geomancie L'ancienne Côte des Esclaves * Alapini, Julien. Les noix sacrées. Etude complète de Fa-Ahidégoun génie de la sagesse et de la divination au Dahomey * Iyalaja Ileana Alcamo (2007). The Source Iya Nla Primordial Yoruba Mother,Athelia Henrietta Press, Inc.ISBN 1-890157-41-4* Dr. Ron Eglash (1997) American Anthropologist Recursion in ethnomathematics, Chaos Theory in West African divination. * Dr. Reginald O. Crosley (2000) The Voudou Quantum Leap ISBN 1567181732..
Egguns around me...My Iroquois Ancestors Modupue pa cubrir nos con sus luminosas faculdades y guiarnos en este mundo aqui !Ase O ! Awo Miguel Febles Padron "Odi Ka", ÃŒbà bayen tónù , Eulogio Rodriguez "Tata Gaitan Ogunda Fun", ÃŒbà bayen tónù , Bernardo Rojas "Oche Paure", ÃŒbà bayen tónù , Aurora Lamar "La China" de Maximiliano "Oba Tola", ÃŒbà bayen tónù , Ferminita Gomez "Osha Bi", ÃŒbà bayen tónù , Rosa Rodriguez, ÃŒbà bayen tónù ! Ketimbelaye Timbelese Oloddumare .. Maferefun los Muertos! Maferefun Osha! Abure Abakwa Ohee! Ah Munakongo Aaaaah! Enyenison EnkamaYoruba Andabo "Abakua"Asankantión, a Manantión dirá Asankantión a Manantión o e, Asankantión a Manantión besuao Asukuru kuán ntiyen Eriero botacho endiwo Mosongo mofé Ebión erokitán, Uyo mañongo úmpabio Atrokofo ko mo kairén Abasà a'omé ¡Efimeremo krúkoro! ItÃa Abasà orúmiñan Asere Obón, Indiobón Ma yene ebón, Iteyene ebón Obonekue erumiñan abakuá eriero Aro obiobio Efoko endiminuá, Isongo, Kiñongo Ayenemà Empegó Umbari eta kankómo Ndibo ¡Munakondo! Múnakondo bá Asankantión amanantión dirá Empegó embara Empegó embara atén anene Efó amana nterere Ukano benkósi Akuri tongo akuri etete yosongo ¡Unarobia! panganarobia Engómo Iyansi Ankamá eribóJeyeye munakondo munakondo ba..