AN IFA PRIEST AND ORISA TRADITIONISTIfa is the sacred message of the Almighty OlodumareI am a Babalawo of Yoruba origin based in Ibadan ,Nigeria. I am presently The Secretary- General of International Council For Ifa Religion, I am the President and co-founder of Ijo Orunmila Atorise, Obara Otua (Ifa-Orisa) Temple worldwide and the Secretary-General of Ogunda-Meji Temple, worldwide.I presently co-moderate these ifa religion groups
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] godchildren are spread all over the globe.I performs services including Ifa readings, Initiation into Ifa and other Orisas, and giving of Orisa icons, teaching of Ifa and herbs for healing, consultant in temple establishment and giving spiritual advises.