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About Me

AN IFA PRIEST AND ORISA TRADITIONISTIfa is the sacred message of the Almighty OlodumareI am a Babalawo of Yoruba origin based in Ibadan ,Nigeria. I am presently The Secretary- General of International Council For Ifa Religion, I am the President and co-founder of Ijo Orunmila Atorise, Obara Otua (Ifa-Orisa) Temple worldwide and the Secretary-General of Ogunda-Meji Temple, worldwide.I presently co-moderate these ifa religion groups [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] godchildren are spread all over the globe.I performs services including Ifa readings, Initiation into Ifa and other Orisas, and giving of Orisa icons, teaching of Ifa and herbs for healing, consultant in temple establishment and giving spiritual advises.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I like meeting people in Ifa(Orisa) religion irrespective of age, sex , nation or color ,straight people are preferred.

My Blog

Character and Destiny

     Ewe kan tele omi        Dia f’ori tin se baba Awure Orisa oke bi a ji lowuro a gba ori eni mu Ori eni l’awure eni Dia fori ti o...
Posted by on Fri, 21 Mar 2008 20:57:00 GMT

Human Fighting

Aboru aboye,Ifa in odu Ejiogbe says as follows:Ogbo'die ni i se aatan yee yee ye,A dia fun Olofin ,ija eniyan soro,Ti a ba be egungun , egungun a ma gbo,Ti a ba be Orisa , Orisa a ma gba,Ti a ba se Ol...
Posted by on Tue, 04 Mar 2008 13:17:00 GMT

Obatala ifa Diety of Creation

..>   Obatala is Ifa and Santeria Divinity of Creativity. He is known in Yorubaland by different names such as Orisha-ala, Orisha-Nla, Obatarisa. Among other Orisha who are his offspring ar...
Posted by on Sat, 06 Oct 2007 07:17:00 GMT

Osa-Irete A call to all Family members

Aboru aboye, Ifa says : Arugudu an honorable manDivined for OrunmilaThe day Baba says he wanted more immeasurable fortunesHe was asked to visit frequently members of his lineage and associates The sho...
Posted by on Sat, 06 Oct 2007 07:09:00 GMT